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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:00:50

[简答题]One of your friends, Johnson, passed the college entrance examination. Write a note and express your congratulation.
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更多"One of your friends, Johnson, passe"的相关试题:

[填空题]The letter passed from one to another until everyone()(read) it.

In Canada, a college may form one major division of a university, offering programs in a specific academic field that lead to undergraduate or graduate degrees, or both. Colleges may also be independent of a university, offering four-year programs of general education that lead to a Bachelor’s degree in the liberal arts and sciences. Some. independent colleges offer a limited number of graduate programs, but usually their primary mission is to provide undergraduate education. Community colleges offer two-year programs of general education or vocational education.
Universities generally comprise various colleges and professional schools that make up the academic parts of the institution. For example, a university may include a college of arts and sciences in addition to professional schools of education, law, medicine, and engineering. Universities provide higher education leading to a Bachelor’s degree as well as professional and graduate programs leading to m
A. Types of Colleges and Universities
B. Canadian Education
C. Canadian Education Program
D. Differences between College and University


Passage 2
In Canada, a college may form one major division of a university, offering programs in a specific academic field that lead to undergraduate or graduate degrees, or both. Colleges may also be independent of a university, offering four-year programs of general education that lead to a Bachelor's degree in the liberal arts and sciences. Some. independent colleges offer a limited number of graduate programs, but usually their primary mission is to provide undergraduate education. Community colleges offer two-year programs of general education or vocational education.
Universities generally comprise various colleges and professional schools that make up the academic parts of the institution. For example, a university may include a college of arts and sciences in addition to professional schools of education, law, medicine, and engineering. Universities provide higher education leading to a Bachelor's degree as well as professional and
A. Types of Colleges and Universities
B. Canadian Education
C. Canadian Education Program
D. Differences between College and University

[简答题]What’s your minor at college If you don’t have one, what would you like to choose if permitted
[填空题]Culture is passed on from one generation to the next through communication. Thus, culture refers to beliefs in a (36) being, to attitudes toward success and happiness, and to the values placed on friendship, love, family, or money, since these are (37) through communication.
Parents, (38) groups, schools, religious institutions, and government (39) are the main teachers of culture. One new (40) for spreading culture is the Internet. Because the Internet, although world wide, is so (41) by the United States and by the English language and idiom, "Some countries," notes one media watcher, "already unhappy with the (42) of American culture are worried that their cultures will be further (43) by an American dominance in cyberspace".
A different process of learning culture is acculturation(文化互渗), (44) . Through acculturation, your original or native culture is modified through di


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