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发布时间:2023-12-16 19:09:17

[填空题]I’m sorry not to be able to help you.
I’m sorry that ______ ______ ______ ______.

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[填空题]I’m sorry not to be able to help you. I’m sorry that ______ ______ ______ ______.
[单项选择]"I’m certainly more and more to the conclusion that Iraq has, ______ they maintained (断言) , destroyed almost all of they had in the summer of 1991 ." Blix said.
A. which ... what
B. as ... which
C. as ... that
D. as ... what

W: Can I help you
M: Yes, I’ m looking for a book on the presidential election system in U. S.
W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store.

What is the man looking for( ).
A. a novel about a president.
B. a political science book.
C. a listing of election results.
D. a text for one of his subjects.

W: Can I help you
M: Well. I’m looking for something I saw at a friend’s house a few days ago.
W: What is it
M: It’s a light metal shelf.
W: You’re in the right department, but we don’t have them in stock now.
M: Oh, that’s too bad. Are you going to be getting more
W: They’re on order, but I should warn you that the price has gone up.
M: Just my luck.
W: They were $12.50, but the new ones will be about three dollars more. Come in next week. We should have them by then.
M: OK. I will be back. Thank you.

Where does this conversation take place()
A. At a department store.
B. In the man’s home.
C. In a kitchen.
D. In a book store.

F: Can I help you
M: I bought a washing machine but it doesn’t work.
F: Do you want to return it to the shop or change it for a new one
M: I’d like to get a refund.

What does the man want ( )
A. Change a new machine.
B. Repair the machine.
C. Give the machine back to the shop.

M: May I speak to Jason please
W: Nobody by that name works here.

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. Jason can’t come to the phone.
B. Jason isn’t in right now.
C. The caller dialed the wrong number.
D. Jason doesn’t want to speak to the caller.

W: Can I help you
M: Oh, I’m just looking, thanks. Well, actually, I’m looking for something for my girlfriend.
W: And what sort of thing are you looking for
M: I don’t really know. A dress
W: Right. What color does your girlfriend usually wear
M: Oh, dear…
W: OK, what color are her eyes
M: Green.
W: Right, purple suits people with green eyes. Now, what size is she
M: Um, well, sort of, she isn’t very big, but she’s not particularly small. That’ll be medium then.
W: Well, we have this rather nice silk evening dress here…
M: Good, I’ll take it. Thank you. How much is it
W: That’s 70 pounds, sir. How would you like to pay
M: Seventy By credit card, please.
W: Fine. If you could just sign…
M: Here you are. Goodbye.

Where probably are the speakers( ).
A. In a store.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a restaurant.

W: Good morning, sir. What can I help you
M: I wonder if you could tell me some information about active holidays.
W: Active holidays, sir Can you tell me exactly what you mean, please
M: Well, you see, when I go on holiday, I like to take plenty of exercise. I don’t like staying around and doing nothing. I get enough of that in my office. What I mean to say is I’m the sort of men who enjoy swimming, water skiing, that sort of thing. I like anything to do with water and I don’t mind roughing it. I’ve always been used to looking after myself. When I was in the army, I used to get up at five every morning just to see the sunrise.
W: Yes, sir, very interesting. Urn... active holidays, let me see. Oh, yes, what about skin diving, sir We can offer you a fortnight off the coast of Cornwall, all--including one week skin diving and one week shark-fishing with the local fishermen. It’s a very good bargain.
M: Shark-
A. Sitting around.
B. With joys of social activities.
C. Doing nothing.
D. Holiday with a lot of exercise.


W: Can I help you
M: Yes, I bought these shoes here two days ago. But they seem too small and press against my feet.

Where did the conversation take place ()
A. In a shoe shop.
B. In a doctor’s.
C. In an office.

W: Can I help you
M: Yes. I bought this telephone three days ago, but I’m afraid it doesn’t work. I’d like to change it for another one.
W: Have you got your receipt, please
M: Yes, here it is.
W: Thank you. Just a moment, please.

What is the most probable result of the conversation()
A. The man got his telephone repaired.
B. The man got nothing.
C. The man got a new telephone.

W: May I help you, sir
M: Er, I’m wondering how much this book is.
W: There’s a price tag on the back page of each book. Have you seen it
M: Yes, I saw it. But I just can’t believe my eyes. Is it really $ 65
W: Well, I’ll check it through the scanner. Yes, it’s $65.
M: Wow! That’s a lot of money for a book.
W: Yes. Medical texts are usually very expensive.
M: Well, I regret choosing medicine as my major now. If I knew this earlier, I might choose to learn mathematics or something else.
W: Really
M: No, not really. I’m joking. I love medicine and hate mathematics. Although this book is quite expensive, I have to have it.
W: How would you like to pay for it, in cash or by credit card
M: In cash.
W: That’ll be $ 70. 36.
M: But you said it was $65.
W: Well, with tax, it comes to $ 70.36, sir.
M: There’s a tax eve
A. Medical books are expensive.
B. Books also have taxes.
C. He needs to pay extra money for the tax of the book.
D. All the above.


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