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发布时间:2024-09-12 20:51:37

[单项选择]A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. You look great.
C. What did the doctor say D. I’m glad to see you.

更多"A. I’m sorry to hear that. B"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. Sorry to hear that. B. Why did you do like that
C. He was a good boy. D. How are you
[单项选择]A. Never mind.
B. I’m sorry to hear that.
C. You should go.

M: Wow.Look at you! You look so great today!
W: Thank you.Do I look good in red
M: Oh,yes,you look perfect in this red dress.
W: Thank you.I bought it last week.
M: It looks good and expensive.
W: Well.not expensive.I bought it on a sale last week.
M: And you got it at a good price
W: Yes.It used to be 490 yuan.but I bought it only at half that price.
M: Lucky you.That’s a real bargain.
W: And I bought a hat to go with the dress too.
M: Is that also a good bargain
W: Sure.the hatis good and cheap too.
M: Good for you.

What did the woman buy last week()
A. A dress.
B. A hat.
C. A dress and a hat.
·Look at the outline below.
·You will hear a self-introduction of a newcomer to the company.


Position:Overseas sales representative
Education:studied marketing in university;
got(9)______in 1995
Experience:worked as(10)______of Export;
Expanded European market share by(11)______
Characters needed:(12)______and take-charge

· Look at the form below.
· You will hear people introducing each other.

(5)______ and Miss Song, the marketing manager of (6)______ picked up George, the (7)______ manager of Bain’s (8)______ Department.

· Look at the note below
· You will hear a woman calling to inform of details of a delivery.

{{B}} Message{{/B}}
Date: Sep. 23
From: Miranda Hillard
{{B}} Details of Delivery{{/B}}
· Arrival time: next {{U}} (9) {{/U}}.
· Conveyance: Five trucks from Alpha {{U}} (10) {{/U}}.
· Two trucks around 8 o’clock in the morning and three towards {{U}} (11) {{/U}}.
· Person in charge: Mr. Allan Stern• Contact number: {{U}} (12) {{/U}}.


M: Look! I’m sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down
W: Sorry, I didn’t realize you could hear it.

What will the woman probably do( ).
A. Look at something for the man.
B. Stop talking so much.
C. Play the music more quietly.
D. Pay more attention to the music.
·Look at the note below.
·You will hear a dialogue between a man and a woman in the airport.

{{B}}Ticket Booking Card{{/B}}
Name: (9) ______ Sex: Male
Nationality: (10)______
Flight No: Flight (11)______
Destination: (12) ______


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