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发布时间:2024-07-02 07:24:28

[填空题]What have you been doing (late) ______

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[填空题]What have you been doing (late) ______

M: Hi! Jane, what have you been doing this summer holiday
W: Working, mostly.
M: What kind of work have you been doing
W: I’ve been working in a hotel.
M: What, as a waitress
W: No, I’ve been helping in the kitchen most of the time — washing vegetables, preparing breakfast trays — that sort of thing.
M: Have you been enjoying it Or has it been rather boring
W: It hasn’t been too bad. I’ve found it quite interesting, in fact.
M: And have you earned a lot of money
W: Hardly, but I haven’t done too badly. I’ve been getting $40 a week, plus my meals and my accommodation, so I’ve earned over $500 all together.

Where has the woman worked during her summer holiday ()
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a hotel.
C. In a supermarket.
D. In a library.
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[单项选择]Of late, there have been several posts suggesting that America has no culture or that what culture it has is somehow inferior to that of other societies. Of course, it cannot be both. To suggest that America has, in some sense, an inferior culture is to grant that it has a culture.
America most definitely has culture and the culture of America is easily the most dominant of the world. Whether it is McDonald’s in the heart of what was once the center of the Evil Empire, or Arnold Schwarzenagger storming across German theatres, or Disneyland sending the French snobs into hysteria, American culture dominates Europe as never before. And it is not just Europe. Enter any shopping center in Asia and the odds are that the music blasting over the sound system is American pop music. Madonna look-alikes speak Mandarin Chinese.
Often, American culture is derided by the so-called "intellectuals". (And by that, I do not mean the traditional definition of those who use their intellect to ma
A. are gifted and thus categorized as such
B. claim themselves to be superior to others
C. are in small numbers compared with the rest
D. advance their careers to save humanity


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