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发布时间:2024-07-02 21:47:15

[单项选择]A. Right after the father gives everyone some wine.
B. Right after the father makes the cross over the bread with a knife.
C. Right after the mother slices the bread for each member of the family.
D. Right after the father gives each member a piece of bread.

更多"A. Right after the father gives eve"的相关试题:

[填空题]This passage gives some information on the characteristics of port cities.
[单项选择]— Would you like some wine
— Yes. Just ______.
A. little
B. very little
C. a little
D. little bit
[单项选择]A: I’’d rather have some wine, if you don’’t mind. B:_____
A. No, you’d better not.
B. Not at all, anything you want.
C. Thank you all the same.
D. Yes, but not good.
[单项选择]Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Thanks to panic-fueled crisis management by policymakers, it didn’t happen. But after three years of pain and very little economic gain, it may be happening now.
The signs are everywhere. Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, one that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between countries. Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians quarrel over how to control the world’s energy supply. Then there’s the rise of populist politics not only in the U. S. but throughout the rest of the world.
All of thi
A. global economy is well on its way to full recovery.
B. regional economic recovery usually precedes global recovery.
C. globalization is not achieving the goal it sets for itself.
D. investment usually goes regional before it goes international.
I have just come home after viewing some astonishing works of art that were recently discovered in Church Hole cave in Nottinghamshire. They are not drawings, as one would expect, but etchings, and they depict a huge range of wild animals. The artists who created them lived around 13,000 years ago, and the images are remarkable on a variety of counts. First of all, their sheer number is staggering, there are ninety all told. Moreover, fifty-eight of them are on the ceiling. This is extremely rare in cave art, according to a leading expert, Dr Wilbur Samson of Central Midlands University. Wall pictures are the norm, he says, "But more importantly, the Church Hole etchings are an incredible artistic achievement. They can hold their own in comparison with the best found in continental Europe." I am not a student of the subject, so I have to take his word for
A. (A) unique examples of ceiling art
B. (B) particularly beautiful cave paintings
C. (C) superior in quality to other cave art in Britain
D. (D) aesthetically exceptional

M: Take the pill three times a day right after meals, and each time take four.
W: Thanks a lot, doctor!

How many pills the patient should take one day ()
A. 4. 
B. 8. 
C. 12. 
D. 15.
[填空题]The author gives parents some advice about what they should do while their children are playing soccer.

[填空题]After some analysis and comparison work, scientists became sure that Skhul shells could be over ______.

[填空题]Some scientists explain that touching gives premature babies a better chance to survive because it ______.


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