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发布时间:2024-02-02 07:40:47


W: How did your parents like the play they attended last week
M: My mother thought the language was terrible, but my father liked it.

What did the woman’s parents think about the play ()
A. They both liked it.
B. Neither liked it.
C. The mother didn’t like it, but the father did.
D. The mother didn’t like it because it wasn’t in Englis

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W: How did your parents like the play they attended last week
M: My mother thought the language was terrible, but my father liked it.

What did the woman’s parents think about the play ()
A. They both liked it.
B. Neither liked it.
C. The mother didn’t like it, but the father did.
D. The mother didn’t like it because it wasn’t in Englis

M: How did you like the film last night
W: It was a complete waste of time.

How did the woman feel about the film()
A. She enjoyed it very much.
B. It was wonderful.
C. It was not good at all.
D. She would watch it again.

M: How did your mother like the film she saw last night
W: She thought the language was terrible.

Why didn’t the woman’s mother enjoy the film ()
A. Because the sound effect was bad.
B. Because the words in the film were terrible.
C. Because the resting room was very bad.
D. Because the music was too loud.

W:How did you like the President’s speech on TV yesterday evening
M:Unfortunately,I got home too late to watch it.

What are they talking about ()
A. A speech on TV.
B. A meeting with the President.
C. A report in the newspaper.
D. A telephone meeting.

[听力原文] M: How did you like the film last night W: It was a complete waste of time.

How did the woman feel about the film ()
A. She enjoyed it very much.
B. It was wonderful.
C. It was not good at all.
D. She would watch it again.

M: How did you enjoy the dinner at the party
W: Great! I can’t imagine more wonderful food!

How does the woman think of the food ()
A. She likes the food very much.
B. She doesn’t like the food.
C. She has no interest in the food.
D. She has no idea.

W: How did Mary do in the race
M: Well. she had a good start, but she quickly fell behind.

What did the man mean ()
A. Mary fell during the race.
B. She did very well in the race.
C. She was one of the slower runners.
D. Mary finished directly behind the quickest runner.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: Hi. Mike. How did your weekend go
M: Fine. I went back to visit my grandma in the countryside.
W: Lucky you. What did you do there
M: I went for a walk in the hills with some of my friends.
W: Was it good
M: Yes. the scenery was amazing. The whole hillside was very red.
W: How wonderful! Do anything else
M: We went on a picnic on Sunday.
W: Did you like it
M: Very enjoyable. By the way, Lisa. what about your Weekend
W: Don’t ask me. Mike.
M: What happened
W: I have got a cold. I could do nothing but lie in bed.
M: Oh. dear.

What did Mike do last week()
A. He went to visit his grandma in the countryside.
B. He went for a picnic with his friend in the park.
C. He stayed at home and doing nothing.
D. He climbed the mountain with his friend in the city.

W: Do you like to play chess
M: I like the game and I play often, but I never learned to play well.

What can we learn from the man’s reply’ ()
A. He hates playing chess.
B. He can play chess well.
C. He does not play chess.
D. He enjoys playing chess.

M: Well, how do you like it
W: I like it, but the sleeves axe too short and it’s a little tight around the waist.

Where did the conversation most likely take place()
A. At a dry cleaning shop.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At a museum.
D. At a clothing stor

W: Did you like the film
M: Not particularly. I’d expected it’d be much more interesting.

What does the man mean ()
A. On the whole the film was interesting.
B. He had never seen such a terrible film.
C. The film wasn’t as good as he had expected.
D. He likes that film very much.

W: I like these chairs. How much are they
M: They are 60 dollars each or 100 dollars for the pair.

How much does one chair cost()
A. $60.
B. $100.
C. $120.
D. $200.

M: How long can I play on the playground
W: Well. it opens at 9:00 in the morning and closes at 5:00 in the afternoon.

How many hours can the man stay there()
A. 8.
B. 7.
C. 5.
D. 9.


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