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发布时间:2023-12-16 19:15:07


W: Did you see Mr. Black this morning
M: Yes, he was having his breakfast at the dining room when I saw him.

Where was Mr. Black when the man saw him()
A. In his office.
B. At the dining room.
C. At home.
D. In the restaurant.

更多"W: Did you see Mr. Black this morni"的相关试题:


W: Did you see Mr. Black this morning
M: Yes, he was having his breakfast at the dining room when I saw him.

Where was Mr. Black when the man saw him()
A. In his office.
B. At the dining room.
C. At home.
D. In the restaurant.
[填空题]What did pliny see when he was looking at the sky of Naples one day

M: Did you see Mrs. Scott this morning
W: Yes, she was sitting at her desk when I came into the office.

Where was Mrs. Scott when the woman came in ()
A. Sitting on her desk
B. Sitting at her desk
C. Standing near her desk
D. Walking on her desk

W: Did you see the weather forecast for next week I can’t believe how the temperature’s going to dip
M: I know.That isn’t my idea what April should be like.
Q: What does the man mean ()

A. He is used to the cold weather.
B. He expected the weather to be warmer.
C. He has never liked the weather in April.
D. He didn’t see the forecast for next week.
[单项选择]Did you see that boy ( )the police over there
A. questioned
B. to be questioned
C. being questioned
D. questioning

W: Did you see the movie on Channel 6 last night
M: No, I went to the library to borrow some books on history. Did you see the film
W: Yes, it was very interesting.

Where did the woman see the film( ).
A. In a library.
B. In a cinema.
C. On TV.
[单项选择]—Did you see the American movie "Titanic" last night
—Oh, yes. Nothing can be ______ touching.
A. so
B. too
C. less
D. more

M: Did you see the list of books for this course
W: Yes,the teacher expects us to get the first five on the list.
M: Are you going to buy them
W: I don’t know. These books are expensive. And I don’t have a lot of money on me.
M: How about sharing them with me
W: Sounds good.
M: Let’s do this. I will buy three and you buy two of them.
W: I would rather do it this way:we pay fifty-fifty for the books now.
M: And Then
W: At the end of the course you can take the books you like and I will take the ones I like.
M: What if we both like the same books
W: Come on,we are not going to argue over that,are we
M: I was just joking. It’s definitely a better idea.
W: Then let’s get the books as soon as possible.

How many books do they have to buy ()
A. Four.
B. Six.
C. FivE.
D. Seven.

W: Did you see last night’s television program on music live performance
M: Well, I intended to watch it, but I slept through it.

What happened to the man last night ()
A. He fell asleep and didn’t watch the program.
B. He watched the program on music live performance.
C. He discussed the TV program with the woman.
D. He was invited to attend the television program.

W: Did you see the doctor about your cough
M: The doctor said if I keep smoking, it will increase my chance of having a heart attack or lung disease.

What is true about the man ()
A. The man has a cough.
B. The man gave up smoking.
C. The man has a lung disease.
D. The man has a heart attack.
[单项选择]Man: Did you see Martha just now I want to ask her to go with us to the concert tonight.
Woman: She must be around somewhere. You may still be able to catch her.
Question: What does the woman mean( ).
A. She knows where Martha has gone.
B. Martha will go to the concert by herself.
C. It is quite possible for the man to find Martha.
D. The man is going to meet Martha at the concert.

W: Now, Mr. White, did you see the accident clearly
M: Oh, yes. I was standing outside the department store.
W: Do you know what time it happened
M: Yes, it was 4:30 by my watch.
W: Good, now, was the truck going fast
M: Yes. Well perhaps, the driver thought they were going to change to green. But they were red.
W: Are you sure, Mr. White
M: Yes, absolutely sure.
W: Well, thanks a lot, Mr. White Goodbye.
M: Goodbye.

What are the two speakers talking about ()
A. A traffic accident.
B. A damaged store.
C. A fight in the street.
D. A dead driver.


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