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发布时间:2024-06-04 20:14:37


M: Come in. Please take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: I’m Paul Adams, Branch Manager.
W: Katie Thomas. Pleased to meet you.
M: I take it you’re looking for temporary office work.
W: That’s right.
M: How old are you, Katie
W: I’m eighteen.
M: That’s rather young. What experience have you had
W: Well, I’ve just left school, actually, and I’m looking for a job between now and when I go to college.
M: It doesn’t sound as though we can help, Katie. You see, our clients are very demanding — especially when it comes to the new office technology.
W: Oh, that’s no problem. I took extra classes in office skills at school.
M: Oh, perhaps you’d like to outline what you’ve been doing
W: I started by learning keyboard skills. Then I went on to learn about word processing.
M: Good. You seem qualified from the technical
A. A part-time job for a school magazine.
B. A full-time job at a college.
C. A permanent job at Johnson’s Imports.
D. A short-term job in an office.

更多"M: Come in. Please take a seat. W"的相关试题:


M: Come in. Please take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: I’m Paul Adams, Branch Manager.
W: Katie Thomas. Pleased to meet you.
M: I take it you’re looking for temporary office work.
W: That’s right.
M: How old are you, Katie
W: I’m eighteen.
M: That’s rather young. What experience have you had
W: Well, I’ve just left school, actually, and I’m looking for a job between now and when I go to college.
M: It doesn’t sound as though we can help, Katie. You see, our clients are very demanding — especially when it comes to the new office technology.
W: Oh, that’s no problem. I took extra classes in office skills at school.
M: Oh, perhaps you’d like to outline what you’ve been doing
W: I started by learning keyboard skills. Then I went on to learn about word processing.
M: Good. You seem qualified from the technical
A. 16.
B. 17.
C. 18.
D. 19.


M: Hi, Jane, please take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: We are now considering your application. Are you interested in working in the Marketing Department
W: Yes, I am very interested in marketing. It would be a new challenge for me.
M: how do you feel about working on weekends
W: Working on weekends I have not thought about it, but I will definitely consider it.
M: People in that department often need to do market surveys during the weekends.
W: Then I will try my best to do that.
M: By the way, do you live far from the company
W: No, it only takes me thirty minutes to come here by bus.
M: That is fine. Thank you.

In which department is the woman likely to work ()
A. Marketing.
B. Finance.
C. Production.
D. Human Resources.

M: Come in. Please have a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: I’m Paul Turner. Branch Manager.
W: Katie Thomas, nice to meet you.
M: I hear that you’re looking for temporary office work.
W: That’s right.
M: How old are you, Katie
W: Eighteen.
M: That’s rather young. What experience have you had
W: Well, I’ve just left school, in fact, and I’m looking for a job between now and when I go to college.
M: It doesn’t sound as if we can help, Katie. You see, our clients are very demanding, especially when it comes to new office technology.
W: Oh, that’s no problem. I took extra classes in office skills at school.
M: Oh, perhaps you’d like to outline what you’ve been doing
W: I started by learning keyboard skills. Then I went on to learn about word processing.
M: Good. You seem qualified from the technical point of view. But how
A. 16.
B. 17.
C. 18.
D. 19.


W: Press twelve, please. Thank you.
M: You’re welcome. That’s also where I’m going to.

Where did this conversation most probably take place ()
A. In a laundry.
B. In a library.
C. In an elevator.
D. In a bakery.

M: Hello, Susan, come in and take a seat.
W: Thank you.
M: The reason I want to see you is I’m worried about your grades. Last year you were a straight-A student, but over the last semester you hardly even get any B’s. I know that you’re a very bright student, so I wondered if you had any problem.
W: Thank you for your concern, Dr. Brown. I know I could be doing better, but my husband is working full-time now, so he can’t look after the kids so much. I always end up writing my assignments with two kids running round the room.
M: There is a kindergarten in the downtown campus. Why don’t you drop your kids in the kindergarten and then go and do your assignments in the library
W: Thank you. Maybe I’ll try that.

Why are Susan’s grades poor ()
A. Her children disturb her when she is writing her homework.
B. Her husband can’t take care of the dogs.
C. The children are unhappy when she writes her homework.
D. Her children are sick.

M: Here are the menus, please.
W: Thank you. Now let me see...
M: Are you ready to order
W: Yes, I think I’ll have the steak.
M: Fine. What would you like to go with your steaks
W: I think I’ll have shrimps and a green salad, please.
M: And what would you like to drink Bottled beer or wine
W: I like wine better.
M: All right, I’ll be back soon.

Where does the conversation take place ()
A. In a store.
B. In an office.
C. In a restaurant.
D. In a supermarket.

M: Hi, Maria.
W: Oh! Hi, Dave. Come on in. Take a seat. Would like anything to drink, coffee or tea
M: Coffee would be fine. Eh... So how have you been
W: Oh, not so bad. And you M: Oh, I’m doing OK. But school has been really busy these days, and I haven’t had time to relax.
W: By the way, what’s your major anyway
M: Hotel management.
W: Well, what do you want to do once you graduate
M: Eh... I haven’t decided for sure. But I think I’d like to work for a hotel or a travel agency in this area. How about you
W: Well, when I first started college, I wanted to major in French. But I realized I. might have a hard time finding a job using a language. So I switched to computer science. With the right skills, landing a job in the computer industry shouldn’t be as difficult.
M: So do you have a part-time job to support yourself through school
W: Well. fortunately for me, I
A. In a teahouse,
B. In a classroom.
C. In Dave’s dorm.
D. At Mafia’s home.


Could I have your attention please Thank you.
As I told you this morning, this afternoon is our shopping afternoon. If you have a look at the back page of your tour programme, you’ll see a little map of the city centre, with the names of some of the shops marked. As you won’t have too much time, I’m just going to explain to you what they sell.
We’re now in the Friendship Shopping Centre. On your right is Larp’s, a very good place for shoes and boots, rather than gloves, bags, clothes or others. Opposite that is Li Ning, a good place for sports goods, not cheap, but really pretty. Next door to Li Ning is a place for books. They have got books on almost every subject anyone has ever written about, airplanes to animals, but Chinese only--so none of your English books I’m afraid. If you walk along, there are shops which sell cameras, radios, and so on, which you won’t buy, I’m afraid, if you are tired or would like to ha
A. Bags.
B. Shoes.
C. Clothes.


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