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发布时间:2023-10-24 01:17:32

Making Reading, Writing and Recession Work Together

A.With books tucked neatly on the shelves and a comfy purple-dragon rug in a back comer nook, the library at San Diego’s Willard B. Hage Elementary School is the perfect place for children to fall in love with reading. Since the start of the school year, however, the library has been off limits to students, who get to go there only when (already overworked) teachers can escort them and handle the record keeping. "With all of the cutbacks we’ve had in the last few years, the district can’t pay for someone to help check out books," explains Pam Wiesenberg, a third-grade teacher at the school. "As a result, the children suffer."
B.As the national economy continues to nose dive, a growing number of public schools have found themselves facing similar situations—and making more and more painful cutbacks. Advanced Placement programmes, extra help for English learners, art, music and su

更多"Making Reading, Writing and Recessi"的相关试题:

Making Reading, Writing and Recession Work Together

A.With books tucked neatly on the shelves and a comfy purple-dragon rug in a back comer nook, the library at San Diego’s Willard B. Hage Elementary School is the perfect place for children to fall in love with reading. Since the start of the school year, however, the library has been off limits to students, who get to go there only when (already overworked) teachers can escort them and handle the record keeping. "With all of the cutbacks we’ve had in the last few years, the district can’t pay for someone to help check out books," explains Pam Wiesenberg, a third-grade teacher at the school. "As a result, the children suffer."
B.As the national economy continues to nose dive, a growing number of public schools have found themselves facing similar situations—and making more and more painful cutbacks. Advanced Placement programmes, extra help for English learners, art, music and su
[填空题]Like chess or painting or writing novels, making money is a very specialized skill but is now treated not equally as playing chess or painting or writing novels.

[单项选择]A. Go home at 5 o’clock. B. Work together with Mr. Golden.
C. Type some letters. D. Help the woman.
What did Cornell do before making his work of art
A. He explored the night life of New York.
B. He collected used boxes from the streets.
C. He joined many art-related activities.
D. He organized an artistic group.
[简答题]Making a telecommuting program work requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images. (Passage 3)
[填空题]Students of different abilities are placed together in a cooperative learning groups in that ______.
[填空题]The place seemed as unlikely as the coming together of the two principals. In June 1995, Princess Diana went to visit Mother Teresa in New York City’s South Bronx, where the founder of the Missionaries of Charity was recovering from an illness at one of her order’s residences.
16. ______
So they met and chatted about the work they loved, for no more than an hour. Diana helped Mother Teresa rise from her wheelchair, and the two of them emerged from a private conversation holding hands, to be greeted by squealing children in a crowd. Diana, in a cream-colored linen suit, stood over her companion.
17. ______
Now they are dead, within a week, and one wonders how to grasp what has been lost. In a way, their deaths are the ending to two stories.
18. ______
When she was killed, her story was curtailed, and the silence that followed was overwhelming. One reason that masses stood in lines all over the world is that they knew a story they yearned to hear


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