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发布时间:2023-10-28 02:46:10


W: Hello.
M: Hi, Sally, this is Phil.
W: Great to hear from you Phil! How have you been doing
M: To tell you the truth, I’m very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I can’t sleep.
W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year.
M: That’s exactly why I’m calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety You know how I hate exams!
W: Well, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services
M: No, I haven’t had time!
W: Funny, isn’t it Just when students need help most, we can’t afford the time to get it!
M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better!
W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a.m..
M: Thanks, ally.
A. Anxiety.
B. Truth.
C. Sympathy.
D. Time.

更多"[听力原文] W: Hello. M: Hi, Sally, "的相关试题:


W: Hello.
M: Hi, Sally, this is Phil.
W: Great to hear from you Phil! How have you been doing
M: To tell you the truth, I’m very worried about our final examinations next month. For one thing, I can’t sleep.
W: I sympathize! I went through the same thing last year.
M: That’s exactly why I’m calling you. Do you have any suggestions for coping with anxiety You know how I hate exams!
W: Well, last year the university offered a stress-management course at about this time. Have you been in contact with the student health services
M: No, I haven’t had time!
W: Funny, isn’t it Just when students need help most, we can’t afford the time to get it!
M: Well, perhaps I should find out more about this stress-management course. Things have got to get better!
W: I suggest you call the health services tomorrow. They open at nine a.m..
M: Thanks, ally.
A. He failed his last test.
B. He can’t find his watch.
C. He’s taking examinations soon.
D. He missed his medical checkup.


M: Sally, how are you getting along with the translation work
W: I have written and rewritten so much that I don’ t know if I’ll ever get it finished.

How does Sally feel ()
A. Tired.
B. Discouraged.
C. Satisfied.
D. Happy.

M: Sally, would you like to go to the cinema with me
W: I’d love to, but we are having a test tomorrow.

What do we learn from the conversation()
A. Sally doesn’t like films.
B. Sally loves to go to the cinema.
C. Sally can’t go to the cinema for she has to prepare for a test.

W: Hi.
M: Hi, I’m going door to door tonight to tell people about the Student Action Coalition. Do you have a few minutes
W: Sure. You know, I think I read something in the newspaper last week.
M: Yeah. There was an article about us in the last issue. See, we’re trying to protect and conserve some of the open spaces in campus.
W: That’s right. You are the group that’s opposing the extension of the parking lot next to Darwin Hall, right
M: That’s right. We just feel it is important to save some of the natural beauty of the campus. Some of those trees are hundreds of years old.
W: It’s a pretty spot. My friends and I had picnics over there by the stream.
M: Then you’ll understand how we feel. We are going to organize a protest on Thursday afternoon to get the administration to reconsider the parking lot plan.
W: Well, I have a class on Thursday after noon.
M: But maybe you cou
A. In the newspaper.
B. In the radio.
C. In the advertisement.
D. From her roommate.


M: Hi, Lily. How is everything
W: Not bad, except for my headache.

What’s wrong with Lily()
A. she has got a toothache.
B. she has got a backache.
C. she has got a headache.

M: Hi, Karen! Fancy meeting you here!
W: Fancy meeting you here, too. Jack! How are you It’s been ages since we met last time!
M: I’m fine, thank you. Seeing you now just reminds me of the good days we spent together in school.
W: Me too. Do you usually come here
M: Right, I enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don’t you’ It’s interesting to see what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children’s stories
W: Some of these books aren’t so old, though. See This mystery was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents. You can’t beat that.
M: Hey! Look at this!
W: What Are you getting interested in nineteenth-century poetry all of a sudden
M: No. Look at the inscription. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It’s dated 1893. Maybe it’ll worth something.
A. An old envelope.
B. A photograph.
C. A piece of note.
D. An inscription.


W: Hi, Jack how about a party this weekend
M: Sounds great ! What is the ’party for

What does the man want to know ()
A. He wants to know when to have the party.
B. He wants to know who should be invited.
C. He wants to know what the purpose of the party is.
D. He wants to know what kinds of parties are needed.

M: Hello!
W: Hi, Paul! It’s me. Look, we’re having trouble with the car.
M: Oh, really I’m sorry to heat that. Want me to come and get you
W: Well, actually we’re stuck on the highway.
M: In this terrible weather
W: Yes, I’m pretty wet.
M: Susan, where are you now
W: You know the Acro Gas Station at the entrance to the highway
M: Yes. Wait around and I’ll come and get you.
W: OK, great! Sorry about the trouble.
M: Don’t worry about it. See you later.
W: See you.

From where is Susan calling Paul ()
A. On the highway.
B. In a lift.
C. At home.
D. At a railway station.

W: Hi, this is Vivian. Do you know where I am now
M: Of course I don’t.
W: It’s so exciting I am here in New York! My company sends me here for a project. And I think maybe we could get together today.
M: I’d love to, but I’m sick as a dog.
W: You do sound awful. Do you have a cold or the flu
M: I don’t know. All I know is that I want to die. I’m burning up and throwing up all over the place.
W: Oh, you men are such babies when you’re sick. Listen, I’m at the l16th Street. Just tell me how to get to your place and I’ll come up to visit you.
M: Take the 104 bus uptown and get off at the 168th Street. I’m at 904 Haven Avenue, apartment 3A on the third floor.
W: I’ll be there in less than an hour.
M: I’ll probably be dead by then.
W: Oh, stop it. Do you have any food in the house
M: I don’t know.

A. Because she likes the city
B. Because she wants to visit the man
C. Because she has a project there
D. Because the man is ill


W: Hi, Mr. Johnson. What is the purpose of your visit to England
M: I’m going for a conference.

Why does the man go to England()
A. Visiting an exhibition.
B. Traveling as a tourist.
C. Attending a meeting.
D. Doing a business.

W: Hi, Frank! I just saw a program on TV that said that juvenile crime was increasing. And I want to ask your opinion because I know you work with a lot of young people.
M: Well, first...I think the media worsens the problem, and so does the school system. Where I live, we have thousands of security guards in the schools, and metal detectors, too. And the kids get searched as they go into school. Now all of that presents the wrong message. The kids don’t feel like they’re going to school. They feel like they’re going to jail. And so they are more likely to become violent. I think it’s a cause and-effect relationship.
W: So you’re saying that the messages kids get from the media, and even from the school, are responsible for making them do bad things
M: Yes, I am. I think that every young person is essentially good. I mean you see students who are violent in class, but put them on a one-to-one basis, and they ar
A. Create a more caring environment.
B. Improve the education system.
C. Make the school less like a jail.
D. Educate kids on a one-to-one basis.


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