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发布时间:2023-10-20 23:59:47


M: Sally, how are you getting along with the translation work
W: I have written and rewritten so much that I don’ t know if I’ll ever get it finished.

How does Sally feel ()
A. Tired.
B. Discouraged.
C. Satisfied.
D. Happy.

更多"[听力原文] M: Sally, how are you gett"的相关试题:


W: I heard you caught a cold. How are you feeling today
M: I can’t complain. At least 1 am out of bed.

How is the man today ()
A. He is better.
B. He is sick in bed.
C. He has recovered.
D. He is feeling worse.

W: How are you getting on with your experiment
M: In spite of my continuous failure, I have already made some progress.

What can we learn about the man’s experiment()
A. It is going on well.
B. It has failed several times.
C. It will soon be finished.
D. It may have to be stopped.

M: How did you like the film last night
W: It was a complete waste of time.

How did the woman feel about the film()
A. She enjoyed it very much.
B. It was wonderful.
C. It was not good at all.
D. She would watch it again.

M: How would you like to go to the movie tonight
W: Thanks for asking, but I prefer to stay at home.

What does the woman like to do tonight ()
A. She’d rather sing a song.
B. She likes to go out.
C. She enjoys watching TV.
D. She feels like staying at home.

M: How would you like your hair cut
W: it’ s getting a little too long, but I don’ t cut it too much.

What’s the relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Student - teacher.
B. Doctor - patient.
C. Buyer - salesman.
D. Hairdresser - customer.

Conversation 1
W: How are you getting on, White Are you still working for the Merry Lynch Bank
M: Yes, Kitty, that’s right.
W: I suppose you know quite a lot about banking by now, don’t you
M: Oh, yes. To tell you the truth I’m a bit tired of it.
W: Really Isn’t it good to work in a bank
M: You know I’ve been working for the Merry Lynch Bank for over 15 years.
W: So you are thinking of making a change, are you
M: Yes, I am. Actually, you know, I’m thinking of beginning my own business.
W: That sounds great.
M: Yes, I think it over, but the problem is money. If I had enough money. I’d leave the bank tomorrow.
W: What ale you going to do to solve the problem
M: I’ll borrow some money from a bank, of course, but not from the one I’ve been working for.

How does White like his work()
A. He is interested in his work.
B. He is proud of his work.
C. He is tired of his work.
D. He is keen on his work.

Conversation 2
[听力原文] 8-10
M: How do you usually keep in touch with your friends, Sally
W: I usually give them a call or send them a short message by my cellphone. Sometimes I send them an e-mail.
M: So do I. Cellphones are the most popular means in today’s communication. Forty or fifty years ago, however, letters were widely used around the world.
W: That’s it. My grandfather sent 100 letters back when he studied in England from 1950 to 1952.
M: Things have changed so much! Have you seen that there is a kind of telephone which is called videophone, with which you can see the person you are talking to
W: Yes, I have. That is wonderful.
M: This is the advantage of modern life. Don’t you think so

How does Sally usually keep in touch with her friends()
A. E-mails.
B. Calls and short messages.
C. Cellphones.
D. Letters.

M: How far do you live from Beijing University, Professor Li
W: It takes about 20 minutes to drive from my home to the university. But during the rush hour it takes 10 minutes longer.

How much time does it take if Professor Li drives from the university to his home during the rush hour()
A. About 20 minutes.
B. About 30 minutes.
C. Less than 20 minutes.
D. At least more than 30 minutes.

How long could you live without food or water One or two days maybe The camel is an animal that can survive many days without food or drink. Camels would have great problems if they couldn’t do this, because most of them live in very dry parts of the world.
A camel is a rather strange-looking animal. It has a hump on its back and big flat feet. Each part of its body helps keep the camel alive in a place where little else can live. A camel can store extra food or fat in its hump. This food can keep it alive for many days. The flat feet of a camel do not sink in soft sand. And its hard mouth can even chew up sharp desert plants! Long eyelashes keep sand out of the camel’s eyes.
Camels do not really like people, but they are a big help to humans just the same. Desert peoples use camels the way that we use cars. They ride on camels and use them to carry things across the hot sand. Camels are sometimes called "ships of the desert&


W:How did you like the President’s speech on TV yesterday evening
M:Unfortunately,I got home too late to watch it.

What are they talking about ()
A. A speech on TV.
B. A meeting with the President.
C. A report in the newspaper.
D. A telephone meeting.


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