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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:35:14

[单项选择]A. Summarize the material which is familiar to the listeners.
B. Give detailed facts and numbers that the audience have known.
C. Ask the audience many questions.
D. Give different ideas which are beyond the audience’s understanding.

更多"A. Summarize the material which is "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which of the following provided material for art and drama( ).
A. The natural forces
B. The seasonal changes
C. Myths
D. Rituals
[单项选择]To review and assess achievements and summarize and exchange experience ______ the task of our present congress.
A. are
B. is
C. have
D. were

Can you summarize the categories briefly under current counter trade?

[多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论
Summarize 归纳谈判结果
[多项选择]Concluding a negotiation 结束谈判
Summarize what you have done 归纳谈判内容
[单项选择]The objective of this report is to summarize the achievements we’ve made as well as the setbacks we’ve experienced in the past year()
A. 本报告的目的是要总结去年所取得的成就和遇到的挫折。
B. 本报告的客观性在于在过去的一年时成绩和倒退一样多。
C. 本报告是要客观地总结去年所取得的成绩和遇到的挫折。
D. 本报告的目的的在于总结在过去的一年里所取得的成就和曾经遇到的倒退。
[填空题]Can you use one phrase to summarize the main idea of the whole passage

[多项选择]PART 3
·How do you summarize the major characteristics of Chinese educational system
Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they support points made in the reading.
Summarize the points made in the lecture, explaining how they are similar to points made in the reading.
Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard explaining how they cast doubt on points made in the reading.
[单项选择] Material culture refers to the touchable, material "thing" physical objects that can be seen, held, felt, used -- that a culture produces. Examining a culture’’s tools and technology can tell us about the group’’s history and way of life. Similarly, research into the material culture of music can help us to understand the music culture. The most vivid body of "things" in it, of course, are musical instruments. We cannot hear for ourselves the actual sound of any musical performance before the 1870s when the phonograph was invented, so we rely on instruments for important information about music-cultures in the remote past and their development. Here we have two kinds of evidence: instruments well preserved and instruments pictured in art. Through the study of instruments, as well as paintings, written documents, and so on, we can explore the movements of music from the Near Eastern influence to Europe that resulted in the development of most of the instruments in the symphony orches
A. has given rise to new forms of music culture
B. has brought about an information revolution
C. has speeded up the arrival of a new generation of computers
D. has led to the transformation of traditional musical instruments


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