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发布时间:2024-01-25 21:55:12

[填空题]Nuclear technology was sold by a Pakistani nuclear scientist to Libya, North Korea and Pakistan.

更多"Nuclear technology was sold by a Pa"的相关试题:

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is an efficient and convenient substitute for conventional forms of energy which were found in special geographical locations. Large amounts of (51) and effort are required to (52) these locations. Once the sites are found, men and equipment must be brought to tap and use these sources of energy. However, a large proportion of such sites are found only in far and (53) places. This increases the difficulties of (54) these forms of energy. With nuclear energy, such difficulties are not present. Nuclear reactors can easily be built anywhere, and man does not have to compete with the (55) of nature in order to obtain the energy. For equal amounts of energy, nuclear energy is much more convenient and inexpensive to obtain than conventional sources of energy.
With nuclear energy, the amount of pollution is greatly reduced. (56) the production of nuclear ene
A. capital
B. incentive
C. interest
D. currency
Nuclear Age

The Oyster Creek nuclear plant in New Jersey opened when the Beatles were still together, and since 1969 its single 645-MW boiling-water reactor has provided enough energy to power 600,000 homes annually. But the oldest nuclear plant in the U.S. will be retired a little (26) Last year its owner, Exelon, announced that it would (27) Oyster Creek in 2019, 10 years ahead of schedule. The reason: the (28) plant costs too much to keep running (29) .
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has focused new attention on the (30) future of the American atomic sector. But the U.S. nuclear industry was already facing a very (31) problem: its aging fleet of reactors. Nuclear plants were built with 40-year licenses that can theoretically be (32) to 60 or even 80 years. Half the country’s 104 reactors are more than 30 years old and (33) middle age. So far, 62 plants


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