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发布时间:2023-10-17 08:16:09

[单项选择]How many categories do speech acts fall into according to John Searle( ).
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

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How many levels of usage do languages have
[单项选择]Why did that many people fall into the river( )
A. An overnight heavy storm destroyed the footbridge.
B. A large herd of livestock went through the bridge.
C. Villagers crowded on the bridge to catch the eatable insects.

Why did many people fall ill {{U}} {{/U}} made a lot of people fall ill.
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[单项选择]How do Software companies make business How do Software companies make business
A.They attract the bargain shopper with low-priced "standard" version.
B.They attract the status conscious with a high priced "standard" version.
C.In order to attract everyone,they have to keep price low.
D.Both A&B.
A. They attract the bargain shopper with low-priced "standard" version.
B. They attract the status conscious with a high priced "standard" version.
C. In order to attract everyone,they have to keep price low.
D. Both A&B.
[单项选择]How many times do you wake during the night Do the slightest disturbances—the sound of a toilet flushing, or the TV in the next room—rouse you from sleep, while your partner slumbers soundly through a thunderstorm
It turns out that some people’s brains are better than others’ at blockading (阻碍) the constant incoming flow of environmental stimuli during sleep, and in a new study, scientists have identified and measured the process. They hope that one day they will be able to manipulate this ability in order to give lighter sleepers a better night’s rest.
Ambient (周围的) sound is the most common cause of sleep interruption, since even during sleep the brain must actively receive sensory information. But as it continually monitors stimuli (刺激) from the environment in order to protect against threats, the brain also actively blockades them to allow body and mind to recharge and rest during sleep. Now, for the first time, sleep researchers led by neurologist Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen,
A. To know how many times people wake during the night
B. To find out the common cause of sleep interruption.
C. To find ways to help lighter sleepers have a good sleep.
D. To learn more about the functions of human brain.
[单项选择]How many different kinds of emotions do you feel You may be (26) to find that it is very hard to state all of them in detail. Not only are emotional feelings hard to (27) in words, they are difficult to (28) . As a result, two people (29) agree on all of them. However, there are a number of (30) emotions that most people experience.
When we receive something that we want, or something happens (31) we like, we usually feel joy or happiness. Joy is a (32) and powerful emotion which we all try to get. It is natural that all of us search (33) happiness. As a (34) , joy occurs when we reach a (35) goal or obtain a desired object.
(36) people often desire different goals and object, it is (37) that one person may find joy in repairing an automobile, (38) another may find joy in solving a math problem. Of course, we often share (39)
A. understanding
B. understood
C. to understand
D. understandable


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