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发布时间:2023-09-28 13:33:50

[填空题]Everybody knows that the faster anything is thrown into the sky, the (high)()it goes.

更多"Everybody knows that the faster any"的相关试题:

[填空题]Everybody knows that the faster anything is thrown into the sky, the (high){{U}} {{/U}}it goes.
[填空题]Everybody in our company knows that he______(受到了枉指控).

[单项选择]Everybody knows that one million pounds()a lot of money.
A. are
B. is
C. have been
D. has been
[单项选择]As everybody knows, there is ______ house in this neighborhood.
[A] no such
[B] no a
[C] not such
[D] no such a
No one knows exactly why we laugh or why anything that is funny should cause us to make such a peculiar noise. It would be just as logical to stick our thumbs in our ears and wiggle our fingers as it is to giggle or bellow or howl with laughter. But when something strikes our "funny bone", our diaphragm flutters up and down, and we laugh.
66. ______
Stories are among the most popular forms of humor. As a rule, a story is considered inferior if it embarrassed someone, if it makes something sacred appear common, if it makes a person’s weakness the cause for laughter, if it has to have vulgarity to be funny, or if everyone cannot join in the enjoyment of the joke.
People enjoy very much the various situations of humor.
If a man meets a lady on the street, tips his hat to her, and a pigeon flies out from beneath it, most of the people who see it would roar with laughter. This is called the humor of the unexpected happening.
[填空题]Everybody knows he _________________ (受到了冤枉指控) .
[单项选择]New cars are becoming faster and faster because ______.
A. the efficiency of the engines has improved a lot
B. the engines are more powerful
C. people like driving fast
D. highways provide enough chances for fast driving
[单项选择]Who runs faster
[单项选择]Our arrangements were thrown into complete turmoil.( )
A. failure
B. confusion
C. doubt
D. relief
[填空题]An explosion had thrown radioman Harley Olson out of bed. He worked wildly, trying to (36) an SOS. But the power was gone. Harley ran on deck. The crew was (37) into lifeboats. There was no room for him. He had no choice but to jump into the black water and start to swim. Suddenly, in the darkness, his fingers hit something hard. It was a life raft. Climbing (38) , Harley called out again and again. But no one answered. Soon his first feeling of (39) . left him. In one way he was lucky. The raft had enough food and water for 15 men for several weeks.
At daybreak, Harley saw some little boxes (40) by. He fished one out of the sea. Chewing gum. Quickly, he (41) in 20 small cartons. In the aftemoon, Harley (42) another raft he tied it to his own. Later, a third raft bobbed up. And then a mattress floated by him in the wreckage. Harley could hardly believe his eyes. Here was the start of a bed room. He tugged


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