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发布时间:2024-07-31 19:53:44

How Marketers Target Kids

Kids represent an important demographic to marketers because they have their own purchasing power, they influence their parents’ buying decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future. Industry spending on advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing from a mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000.
Parents today are willing to buy more for their kids because trends such as smaller family size, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life mean that families have more disposable income. As well, guilt can play a role in spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods for time spent with their kids.
Here are some of the strategies marketers employ to target kids: Pester(纠缠) Power
Today’s kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within the family than in previous generations, so it follows that kids are vocal ab
A. six months of age
B. eighteen months of age
C. age two
D. age three

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How Marketers Target Kids

Kids represent an important demographic to marketers because they have their own purchasing power, they influence their parents’ buying decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future. Industry spending on advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing from a mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000.
Parents today are willing to buy more for their kids because trends such as smaller family size, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life mean that families have more disposable income. As well, guilt can play a role in spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods for time spent with their kids.
Here are some of the strategies marketers employ to target kids: Pester(纠缠) Power
Today’s kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within the family than in previous generations, so it follows that kids are vocal ab
A. they don’t earn as much money as before
B. they don’t have enough time for their kids
C. they postpone children until later in life
D. they think time is more precious than money
How Marketers Target Kids

Kids represent an important demographic to marketers because they have their own purchasing power, they influence their parents’ buying decisions and they are the adult consumers of the future. Industry spending on advertising to children has exploded in the past decade, increasing from a mere $100 million in 1990 to more than $2 billion in 2000.
Parents today are willing to buy more for their kids because trends such as smaller family size, dual incomes and postponing children until later in life mean that families have more disposable income. As well, guilt can play a role in spending decisions as time-stressed parents substitute material goods for time spent with their kids.
Here are some of the strategies marketers employ to target kids: Pester(纠缠) Power
Today’s kids have more autonomy and decision-making power within the family than in previous generations, so it follows that kids are
[简答题]{{B}}Can you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to China Why {{/B}}
[单项选择]How did your friend get you to babysit her kids for the weekend, or your sister talk you into hosting the next book club meeting They probably asked when you were anxious about a work project or stressed about making an impending mortgage payment.
Stress, however, isn’t traditionally associated with altruism. When self-discipline wanes, such as when you are hurried, hungry or distracted, you are less likely to be helpful to strangers (if you’re late for an appointment, you’re probably not stopping to help the person who just dropped the contents of his briefcase). That makes intuitive sense: helping someone you are unlikely to ever see again when you feel least in control of your own life isn’t likely to be productive.
Yet such selfishness seems at odds with the need for cooperation in a social species that relies on support from others for survival. So researchers have suspected that this pattern may only hold true for strangers—and that stress and
A. The quality of being optimistic.
B. The pursuit of one’s own welfare.
C. Unselfish concern for the welfare of others. D. Self-punishment to make up for some wrongdoing.
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Sport psychology research has documented the important rote of significant adults such as parents and coaches in youth participants’ psychosocial development and achievement motivation. However, the situation concerning parents and coaches in youth sport is somewhat of a conundrum—the roles of coach and parent are often synonymous, suggesting not simply an independent relationship with the child participant.
In recent years, a growing body of literature has emerged on parent influence in youth sport based on these and other theories. First, research shows that parents who are more supportive and less pressuring of their children are associated with youth participants who report higher perceived competence, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation toward sport. Second, parents who encourage their child’s participation and exhibit enjoyment of physical activity are related to children who report higher perceived competence and attraction toward physical activit
A. Some coaches are also parents of the young athletes.
B. The parent-coach can give the athletes both positive aspects and pressure.
C. The negative influence of a parent-coach can outweigh the positive ones.
D. A parent-coach may have different influences on individual athletes and collective ones.


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