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发布时间:2024-08-29 02:07:03


Sport psychology research has documented the important rote of significant adults such as parents and coaches in youth participants’ psychosocial development and achievement motivation. However, the situation concerning parents and coaches in youth sport is somewhat of a conundrum—the roles of coach and parent are often synonymous, suggesting not simply an independent relationship with the child participant.
In recent years, a growing body of literature has emerged on parent influence in youth sport based on these and other theories. First, research shows that parents who are more supportive and less pressuring of their children are associated with youth participants who report higher perceived competence, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation toward sport. Second, parents who encourage their child’s participation and exhibit enjoyment of physical activity are related to children who report higher perceived competence and attraction toward physical activit
A. Some coaches are also parents of the young athletes.
B. The parent-coach can give the athletes both positive aspects and pressure.
C. The negative influence of a parent-coach can outweigh the positive ones.
D. A parent-coach may have different influences on individual athletes and collective ones.

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Sport psychology research has documented the important rote of significant adults such as parents and coaches in youth participants’ psychosocial development and achievement motivation. However, the situation concerning parents and coaches in youth sport is somewhat of a conundrum—the roles of coach and parent are often synonymous, suggesting not simply an independent relationship with the child participant.
In recent years, a growing body of literature has emerged on parent influence in youth sport based on these and other theories. First, research shows that parents who are more supportive and less pressuring of their children are associated with youth participants who report higher perceived competence, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation toward sport. Second, parents who encourage their child’s participation and exhibit enjoyment of physical activity are related to children who report higher perceived competence and attraction toward physical activit
A. Contradictory; with many disagreements.
B. A difficult problem.
C. Indistinct or not clear in definition.
D. Not yet having been ascertained or determined.

[单项选择] Research on friendship has established a number of facts, some interesting, even useful. Did you know that the average student has 5~6 friends, or that a friend who was previously an enemy is liked more than one who has always been on the right side Would you believe that physically attractive individuals are preferred as friends to those less comely, and is it fair that physically attractive defendants are less likely to be found guilty in court Unfortunately, such titbits don’’t tell us much more about the nature or the purpose of friendship. In fact, studies of friendship seem to implicate more complex factors. For example, one function friendship seems to fulfill is that supports the image we have of ourselves, and confirms the value of the attitudes we hold. Certainly we appear to project ourselves onto our friends; several studies have shown that we judge them to be more like us than they (objectively) are. This suggests that we ought to choose friends who are similar t
A. every student has five or six friends
B. judges are always influenced by a pretty face
C. ugly people find it harder to make friends than beautiful people
D. we lend to grow fond of people if we dislike them at first sight
[单项选择]Research into DNA has had a significant impact on medicine. Through recombinant DNA technology, scientists can modify microorganisms so that they become so-called factories that produce large quantities of medically useful drugs. This technology is used to produce insulin, which is a drug used by diabetics, and interferon, which is used by some cancer patients. Studies of human DNA are revealing genes that are associated with specific diseases, such as breast cancer. This information is helping physicians to diagnose various diseases, and it may lead to new treatments. For example, physicians are using a technology called chimeriplasty, which involves a synthetic molecule containing both DNA and RNA strands, in an effort to develop a treatment for a form of hemophilia.
Forensic science uses techniques developed in DNA research to identify individuals who have committed crimes. DNA from semen, skin, or blood taken from the crime scene can be compared with the DNA of a suspect, an
A. A.1~4______. DNA’s functionsB. DNA’s applicationsC. DNA’s researchD. DNA’s techniques
[单项选择]Zelda: Dr. Ladlow, a research psychologist, has convincingly demonstrated that his theory about the determinants of rat behavior generates consistently accurate predictions about how rats will perform in a maze. On the basis of this evidence, Dr. Ladlow has claimed that his theory is irrefutably correct.
Anson: Then Dr. Ladlow is not a responsible psychologist. Dr. Ladlow’s evidence does not conclusively prove that his theory is correct. Responsible psychologists always accept the possibility that new evidence will show that their theories are incorrect.
Which one of the following can be properly inferred from Anson’s argument
A. Dr. Ladlow’s evidence that his theory generates consistently accurate predictions about how rats will perform in a maze is inaccurate.
B. Psychologists who can derive consistently accurate predictions about how rats will perform in a maze from their theories cannot responsibly conclude that those theories cannot be disproved.
C. No matter how responsible psychologists are, they can never develop correct theoretical explanations.
D. Responsible psychologists do not make predictions about how rats will perform in a maze.
E. (E) Psychologists who accept the possibility that new evidence will show that their theories are incorrect are responsible psychologists.
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Research into DNA has had a significant impact on medicine. Through recombinant DNA technology, scientists can modify microorganisms so that they become so-called factories that produce large quantities of medically useful drugs. This technology is used to produce insulin, which is a drug used by diabetics, and interferon, which is used by some cancer patients. Studies of human DNA are revealing genes that are associated with specific diseases, such as breast cancer. This information is helping physicians to diagnose various diseases, and it may lead to new treatments. For example, physicians are using a technology called chimeriplasty, which involves a synthetic molecule containing both DNA and RNA strands, in an effort to develop a treatment for a form of hemophilia.
Forensic science uses techniques developed in DNA research to identify individuals who have committed crimes. DNA from semen, skin, or blood t
A. DNA’ s functions
B. DNA’ s applications
C. DNA’ s research
D. DNA’ s techniques
Market research

Market research has become more and more important in recent years. In some organisations, in fact, managers will not initiate any activity without market research to back. them up.
The first thing to be said about market research is that it is not an (21) to management decision-making. No form of market research, no matter how deep, complicated and detailed, can ever be seen as a substitute for creative decision-making by professional managers (22) its very best, all it can do is (23) some doubt and clarify the nature of the problem. It may even be seen as a tool which can improve the (24) of decisions but it is not in itself a decision-making mechanism.
Market research, in (25) with a number of other approaches in marketing, suffers from the frequent complaint that it is not really accurate. Market research results can never be completely accurate because t
A. option
B. alternative
C. end
D. opening

[单项选择]An international team of research scientists has created a new kind of rice that contains Vitamin A. The researchers used genetic engineering to create the new rice. Genetic engineering is the technology of changing the genes of living things. The researchers say the rice could help millions of people who do not get enough Vitamin A in the food they eat. The findings were published in Science magazine.
Vitamin A is necessary for the body’s natural defense system against disease. Vitamin A is needed to help prevent skin and other tissues from drying out. It also produces a light-sensitive substance in the eyes.
People who do not get enough Vitamin A cannot see well in the dark. They may develop a condition that dries the eyes. The condition can result in infections that lead to blindness.
A lack of Vitamin A is a major cause of blindness among children. Health experts estimate that 124 million children around the world do not eat enough foods with Vitamin A.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned


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