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发布时间:2023-10-28 23:52:10

[单项选择]The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could have it postponed. In Canada and Britain, where physicians perform bypass surgery much less frequently than they do in America,heart patients fare just as wel
A. one of the heart patients
B. a boss in pharmacy
C. a teacher in Harvard University
D. a medical worker

更多"The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could have it postponed. In Canada and Britain, where physicians perform bypass surgery much less frequently than they do in America,heart patients fare just as wel
A. a dangerous operation
B. a painful experience
C. a symbol of one’s success and courage
D. nothing serious
Passage One
The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could
A. a dangerous operation
B. a painful experience
C. a symbol of one’s success and courage
D. nothing serious
A. 创伤小
B. 可用吸入麻醉药
C. 减少肺损伤
D. 缩短住院时间
E. 麻醉处理较容易
A. 心脏磁共振成像
B. 心脏CT
C. 冠状动脉造影
D. 心电图
E. 彩色超声心动图
A. 不稳定心绞痛,内科治疗效果不好
B. 右冠状动脉50%狭窄的单支病变
C. 左主干病变
D. 三支病变
E. 内科介入治疗后冠脉再狭窄
A. 胸廓内动脉
B. 小隐静脉
C. 桡动脉
D. 大隐静脉
E. 胃网膜右动脉


A. 继续补充血容量
B. 间羟胺
C. 输注浓缩红细胞
D. 地塞米松
E. 正性肌力药物
[单项选择]男,65岁,两年前因冠心病行冠脉搭桥术,今因患胃癌行根治术而入ICU进行监护治疗,2小时后:BP 80/50mmHg,CVP 3cmH2O,PAWP 4mmHg,CO 2.3L/min。
A. 呋塞米
B. 补充血容量
C. 氢化可的松
D. 硝普钠
E. 硝酸甘油


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