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发布时间:2023-12-21 05:50:57

Passage One
The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could
A. a dangerous operation
B. a painful experience
C. a symbol of one’s success and courage
D. nothing serious

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Passage One
The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could
A. one of the heart patients
B. a boss in pharmacy
C. a teacher in Harvard University
D. a medical worker
[单项选择]The heart bypass (心脏搭桥术)has become part of our cultural life. It has come to seem like a ceremony of passage for the successful male, a red symbol of courage in midlife. Six hundred thousand bypass operations are performed a year in the United States. After a bypass, most heart patients experience significant relief from the peculiar discomfort in the chest caused by insufficient blood to the heart muscle. In some cases the surgery can dramatically extend life. American heart patients, who now number about 12 million, are enthusiastic about the surgery. Bypass is one of the most common major operations in America.
In private, however, many of my fellow workers in medicine suspect that bypass has become too popular. A recent Harvard study showed that as many as two-thirds of patients referred for bypass don’t need it or could have it postponed. In Canada and Britain, where physicians perform bypass surgery much less frequently than they do in America,heart patients fare just as wel
A. a dangerous operation
B. a painful experience
C. a symbol of one’s success and courage
D. nothing serious
A. 牵开肋骨,将右手伸入胸腔,摸到凸尖,迅速证实是停止跳动还是处于心室纤颤状态。在左膈神经之前与神经平行切开心包,将手伸人心包,立即行心脏按压术
B. 右手握住心脏,拇指和大鱼际在前,另四指在后,间断挤压心脏。挤压时压力必须均匀,不要仅用指尖抓捏,以免造成心肌撕裂或心室壁穿孔
C. 注意观察心肌的颜色、张力。必要时可经无血管区直接心内注药,或行电除颤
D. 待心律、血压稳定,用苯扎溴铵反复冲洗胸腔,胸腔内置抗生素,关闭胸腔,并予闭式胸腔引流
E. 经按压心脏恢复跳动后,如收缩有力,即可停止按压,若收缩无力,可在心脏收缩期予以辅助性按压
[单项选择]Passage One
For decades, heart disease has had the honor of being the leading killer of Americans. Most heartrelated deaths happen among the elderly. But a new study finds that an alarming portion of heart failure cases are occurring in a much younger group, especially among African Americans.
In the first large-scale study to document the extent of the race gap in heart disease, researchers report that one in 100 black adults develop heart failure in their 30s and 40s-a rate 20 times higher than that of similarly aged white adults. "What these data point out is that it’s important to recognize that disease patterns differ in different populations," says Dr. Kirsten. "We would have completely missed this at-risk group had we only been looking at older age groups."
The new report is a large government-funded survey. The aim of the study was to document the frequency of heart disease among young adults, so researchers recruited more than 5,000 volunteers a
A. The Real Leading Killer of Americans: High Blood Pressure.
B. For Blacks, Risk of Heart Disease Starts Much Younger.
C. Racial Discrimination in the Medical Field in the US.
D. African Americans Suffer More from Heart Disease.


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