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发布时间:2024-07-11 02:55:01

[单项选择]Most psychologists deeply believe that it is just()difficult to change a person’s way of thinking as it does to rectify his deep-rooted habits.
A. as
B. than
C. so
D. more

更多"Most psychologists deeply believe t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Psychologists believe that children are easily influenced by their( ).
A. conditions
B. combinations
C. peers
D. granaries
[填空题]Psychologists believe that human beings can only use 10percent of their inborn ability to remember.

[填空题]Psychologists have found that most left-handers have their language center in the right half of the brain.

Some people deeply believe that international sport promotes goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together peacefully. Others argue that the worldwide competitions encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred. There is probably some truth in both arguments, but during recent years the Olympic Games have done little to back up the view that sport encourages international brotherhood. Not only was there the miserable incident including the murder of athletes, but also the Games were ruined by incidents caused mainly by smaller national contests.
One country received its second-place medals with visible anger after the hockey(曲棍球 ) final. There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey game, the losers objecting to the final decisions. They were sure that one of their targets should not have been disallowed and that their opponent’s victory was unfair. Their manager was in great an
A. promoted kindness between the different nations
B. brought only false national pride
C. resulted in more and more misunderstanding and hatred
D. hardly showed any international friendship


One of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two ’behavior segments’ in some novel way, never actually performed before, so as to reach a goal. Two followers of Clark Hull, Howard and Tracey Kendler, (21) a test for children that was explicitly based on Clark Hull’s principles. The children were given the (22) of learning to operate a machine so as to get a toy. In order to succeed they had to go through a two-stage (23) . The children were trained on each stage (24) . The stages consisted merely of pressing the correct one of two buttons to get a marble; and of (25) the marble into a small hole to release the toy.
The Kendlers found that the children could learn the separate bits readily enough. (26) the task of getting a marble by pressing the button they could get the marble; given the task of getting a toy when a marble w
A. what’s more
B. in the second place
C. in addition
D. on the other hand


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