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发布时间:2024-07-03 00:36:02

[填空题]Apparently a few NFL (美国橄榄球联盟) teams are considering the benefits of tablet devices (便携式电脑) such as the iPad over plain old paper. The Dallas Cowboys, in particular, have (47) that going digital "could save them as much as 5,000 pages of paper printouts per game." It’s an attracting idea but it’ll likely face quite a difficult (48) .
While not having to deal with paper printouts would be a huge timesaver and coaches could (49) make routes and assignments for all the plays in a digital playbook, think of all the (50) shortcomings. Tablets crash, their batteries (51) out, they’re not good in direct sunlight, they’re not good in cold weather, they’re not good in rain, they’re not tough enough to bear the hit from a 250-pound fullback(后卫) being shoved out of bounds, they’re not tough enough to bear being thrown around by angry coaches, they’d rely on some sort of wireless system to pull down pictures of previous plays, and—perha

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[填空题]Apparently a few NFL (美国橄榄球联盟) teams are considering the benefits of tablet devices (便携式电脑) such as the iPad over plain old paper. The Dallas Cowboys, in particular, have (47) that going digital "could save them as much as 5,000 pages of paper printouts per game." It’s an attracting idea but it’ll likely face quite a difficult (48) .
While not having to deal with paper printouts would be a huge timesaver and coaches could (49) make routes and assignments for all the plays in a digital playbook, think of all the (50) shortcomings. Tablets crash, their batteries (51) out, they’re not good in direct sunlight, they’re not good in cold weather, they’re not good in rain, they’re not tough enough to bear the hit from a 250-pound fullback(后卫) being shoved out of bounds, they’re not tough enough to bear being thrown around by angry coaches, they’d rely on some sort of wireless system to pull down pictures of previous plays, and—perha
A. 该报社为非盈利性组织,捐款是其履行社会责任的一种表现。
B. 该报社是一盈利性组织,履行社会责任是其义务并举的一种高姿态表现。
C. 该报社是一盈利性组织,此项捐款不过是其实现经营目标的一种手段。
D. 该报社给球队提供资金,是为了开展多元化经营。
[单项选择]据传,美国有一报社曾慷概地给某橄榄球队俱乐部提供2 500万美元的资助。与此同时,该报社属下的一个部门想操纵该球队有关比赛的商业广告业务,并欲从此广告中每年获取600万美元的收入。该报社所以给球队巨额“捐款”,是因为______。
A. 该报社为非盈利性组织,捐款是其履行社会责任的一种表现
B. 该报社是一盈利性组织,履行社会责任是其义务并举的一种高姿态表现
C. 该报社是一盈利性组织,此项捐款不过是其实现经营目标的一种手段
D. 该报社给球队提供资金,是为了开展多元化经营
[单项选择]心理学上的研究表明,大学里的曲棍球和橄榄球运动员比参加游泳等非对抗性运动的运动员更快地进入敌对和攻击状态。但是,这些研究人员的结论 对抗性运动鼓励和培养运动的参与者变得怀有敌意和具有攻击性——是站不住脚的。橄榄球和曲棍球队员可能天生就比游泳运动员更怀有敌意和具有攻击性。
下面哪个,如果正确,最能增强心理学研究人员们得出的结论( )
A. 橄榄球和曲棍球队员在赛季中变得更怀有敌意和具有攻击性,在赛季结束后会保持下去,而游泳运动员们的攻击性没有增加
B. 棒球和曲棍球队员,而不是游泳运动员,在实验开始的时候知道他们正在被检查攻击性
C. 同一次心理学研究发现橄榄球和曲棍球运动员非常重视协作和集体比赛,而游泳运动员最关心的是擅长个人竞争
D. 这次研究考察设计时没有包括同时参加对抗性和非对抗性运动的大学运动员

How many teams has Martin played for
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. A few.
Creative Teams and Management

When Colgate launched its then revolutionary Colgate Gum Protection toothpaste in 1990, company executives were confident they had a hit on their hands. The toothpaste incorporated a groundbreaking antibacterial technology they thought was the biggest innovation since fluoride. But in the months after the toothpaste’s six-country rollout, the product’s market share reached a meager 1%)— one-fifth of the company’s projections.
What went wrong A new round of market research found that the original launch strategy muted the "breakthrough" message; the ads positioned the new toothpaste as a line extension instead of a revolutionary advance, and the public just didn’t buy the product’s broad claims. Up to this point, Colgate’s president, Bill Shanahan, had attended only quarterly review meetings; now he rolled up his sleeves to rescue the product, establishing a worldwide marketing team and meeting regularly
A. The results ran contrary to the company’s expectation.
B. It achieved a great success.
C. It took a great portion of market share.
D. The new technology was not popular among customers.

Teams are required for most engineering projects. Although some small hardware or software products can be developed by individuals, the scale and complexity of modern systems is such, and the demand for short schedules so great, that it is no longer (1) for one person to do most engineering jobs. Systems development is a team (2) ,and the effectiveness of the team largely determines the (3) of the engineering. Development teams often behave much like baseball or basketball teams. Even though they may have multiple specialties, all the members work toward (4).However, on systems maintenance and enhancement teams, the engineers often work relatively independently, much like wrestling and track teams. A team is (5) just a group of people who happen to work together. Teamwork takes practice and it involves special skills. Teams require common processes; they need agreed-upon goals; and they need effective guidance and leadership. The methods for guiding and leading such teams are we
A. relatively
B. /
C. only
D. morethan


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