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发布时间:2024-06-01 19:18:34

[填空题]During the period of ______ lifestyle risks were seen as the major contributors to poor health.

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[填空题]During the period of ______ lifestyle risks were seen as the major contributors to poor health.

The decades after 1830 were a period of disintegration and uncertainty in German philosophy. For almost half a century idealist philosophies, culminating in Hegel’s grandiose system, had dominated the philosophical scene, revolving around such spiritual notions as transcendental ego, consciousness, presentation (Vorstellung ) , idea, mind, and spirit (Geist). The rapid collapse of German Idealism—that "gigantic mountain range" of creative thought, as Husserl called it in 1917, was due to a combination of causes.
There was in the first place, accelerated progress in the natural sciences, ranging from physiology (Johannes Muller, Ernst Weber) to physics (Robert Mayer, Hermann Helmholtz) and chemistry (Justus von Liebig, Friedrich Wöhler). The success of the experimental approach visibly demonstrated the futility of all idealistic speculation about nature. Secondly, there was the rapid growth of technology (especially the construction of r
A. He had rated Christianity quite low and was seeking to replace it in Europe.
B. Buddhism fit nicely with his own personal ontology.
C. It was non-theistic in nature and surpassed Christianity in that respect.
D. It gave Schopenhauerianists the option to look down on the parochial Christian rituals practiced in their country.


El Nino is the term used for the period when sea surface temperatures are above normal off the South American coast along the equatorial Pacific, sometimes called the Earth’s heartbeat, and is a dramatic but mysterious climate system that periodically rages across the Pacific.
El Nino means "the little boy" or "the Christ child" in Spanish, and is so called because its warm current is felt along coastal Peru and Ecuador around Christmas. But the local warming is just part of an intricate set of changes in the ocean and atmosphere across the tropical Pacific, which covers a third of the Earth’s circumference. Its intensity is such that it affects temperatures, storm tracks and rainfall around the world.
Droughts in Africa and Australia, tropical storms in the Pacific, torrential rains along the Californian coast and lush greening of Peruvian deserts have all been ascribed to the whim of EI Nino. Until recently it has been returning a
A. irregularities
B. destructions
C. frequencies
D. intensities


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