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发布时间:2024-02-18 19:09:38

[填空题]Archeologists began excavating the ruins of Pompeii 250 years ago ______ (但迄今为止该城最大的宝藏仍待发现).

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[填空题]Archeologists began excavating the ruins of Pompeii 250 years ago ______ (但迄今为止该城最大的宝藏仍待发现).

[填空题]Archeologists found that the Ladby ship was ______, much smaller than the Gokstad ship.

[简答题]The discovery of the ruins of an ancient palace was the _______ of their expedition.
A. A.climax

[填空题]The ruins of the ancient city the explorers came across in the late 1700s convinced them that the city was once lived by people of a highly advanced culture.
Ruining the Ruins

Acid rain (酸雨)is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. Harmful gases are produced by power stations and cars. They dissolve in rainwater and this makes acid rain, which damages trees, rivers and streams.
Acid rain is also capable of dissolving some rocks. And buildings made of soft rock, such as limestone (石灰石), are particularly badly affected. The acid rain attacks the rock, and so carvings and statues are eroded (受腐蚀) more quickly.
(46) According to a report in the New Scientist, acid rain is being blamed for the rapid decay of ancient ruins in Mexico. The old limestone buildings in places like Chichen Itza, Tulum and Palenque are wearing away very quickly indeed. These sites are the remains of the buildings built by the Mayas between 250 BC and AD900, and the spectacular ruins of Mayan civilization are visited by thousands of tourists every year.
But those
[填空题]The ruins of the ancient city the explorers discovered in the late 1700s convinced them that the city was once lived by people of a highly advanced culture.

[填空题]In the 1880’s ______ uncovered Ruins that showed the existence of a great civilization.
Ruining the Ruins

Acid rain (酸雨) is now a familiar problem in the industrialized countries in Europe. Harmful gases are produced by power stations and cars. They dissolve in rainwater and this makes acid rain, which damages trees, rivers and streams.
Acid rain is also capable of dissolving some rocks, and buildings made of soft rock, such as limestone (石灰石), are particularly badly affected. The acid rain attacks the rock, and so carvings and statues are eroded (受腐蚀) more quickly.
(46) According to a report in the New Scientist, acid rain is being blamed for the rapid decay of ancient ruins in Mexico. The old limestone buildings in places like Chichen Itza, Tulum and Palenque are wearing away very quickly indeed. These sites are the remains of the buildings built by the Mayas between 250 BC and AD 900, and the spectacular ruins of Mayan civilization are visited by thousands of tourists every year.
But thos
[单项选择]The full influence of mechanization began shortly after 1850, when a variety of machines came rapidly into use. The introduction of these machines frequently created rebellions by workers who were fearful that the machines would rob them of their work. Patrick Bell, in Scoffland, and Cyrus McCormick, in United States, produced threshing machines. Ingenious improvements were made in plows to compensate for different soil types. Stream power came into use in 1860s on large farms. Hay rakes, hay-loaders, and various special harvesting machines were produced. Milking machines appeared. The internal-combustion engine run by gasoline became the chief power source for the farm. In time, the number of certain farm machines that came into use skyrocketed and changed the nature of fanning. Between 1940 and 1960, for example, 12 million horses and mules gave way to 5 million tractors. Tractors offer many features that are attractive to farmers. There are, for example, numerous attachments: cultivators that can penetrate the soil to varying depths, rotary hoes that chop needs; spray devices that can spray pesticides in bands 100 feet across, and many others. A piece of equipment has now been invented or adapted for virtually every laborious hand or animal operation on the farm. In the United States, for example, cotton, tobacco, hay, and grain are planted, treated for pests and diseases, fertilized, cultivated and harvested by machine. Large devices shake fruit and nut from trees; grain and blend feed, and dry grain and hay. Equipment is now available to put just the right amount of fertilizer in just the right place, to spray and exact row width, and to count out, space, and plant just the right number of seeds for a row. Mechanization is not used in agriculture in many parts of Latin America, Africa. Agriculture innovation is accepted fastest where agriculture is already profitable and progressive. Some mechanization has reached the level of plantation agriculture in parts of the tropics, but even today much of that land us laboriously worked by people leading draft animals pulling primitive plows. The problems of mechanization in some areas are not only cultural in nature. For examples, tropical soils and crops differ markedly from those in temperate areas that the machines are designed for, so adaptations have to be made. But the greatest obstacle to mechanization is the fear in underdeveloped countries that the workers who are displaced by machines would not find work elsewhere. Introducing mechanization into such areas requires careful planning.By saying that the problems of mechanizing some areas are not only cultural in nature, the author means ______.
A. mechanization is not yet introduced in some areas for economic reasons
B. human and animal labour in some areas are less expensive
C. culture is not a factor in obstacling the introduction of mechanization
D. different kinds of mechanized farming tools are used in different cultures

Gap years began because Oxford and Cambridge
A. demanded all students take one.
B. demand all students take one.
C. only considered applicants whose results were known.
D. only consider applicants whose results are known.
[单项选择]Clashes began()
A. in mid-February.
B. in early-January.
C. in mid-January.
D. in early-February.

Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960’s when the Small Business Administration (SBA) began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored management and technical assistance available to minority business enterprises. While this program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new businesses, the results were disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital shortages led to high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts were not quite two percent of the national economy’s total receipts.
Recently federal policymakers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate the development of the minority business sector by moving away from directly aiding small minority enterprises and toward supporting large, growth-oriented minority firms through intermediary companies. In this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful
A. the program had difficulty in winning financial support from the government
B. the program didn’t create a stable and sound investment environment
C. minority people are not willing to start their own business
D. minority entrepreneurs lack experience, good locations and enough capital


Passage Three
It began as just another research project, in this case to examine the effects of various drugs on patients with a severe mood disorder. Using an advanced brain scanning technology--the clumsily named echo-planar magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (磁共振光谱成像 ) procedure, or EP-MRSI--researchers at Boston’s McLean Hospital scanned the medicated and un-medicated brains of 30 people with bipolar disorder in order to detect possible new treatments for the more than 2 million American adults who suffer from the disease.
But something unexpected happened. A patient who had been so depressed that she could barely speak became ebullient after the 45-minute brain scan. Then a second patient, who seemed incapable of even a smile, emerged actually telling jokes. Then another and another. Was this some coincidence Aimee Parow, the technician who made these observations didn’t think so. She mentioned the pa
A. "considerate"
B. "quiet"
C. "excited"
D. "sorrowful/

[简答题]Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.
[填空题]Esther Howland began to produce Valentine card after she saw a British one.
[单项选择]Blindness first began creeping up on Barbara Campbell when she was a teenager, and by her late 30s, her eye disease had stolen what was left of her sight.
Reliant (依赖于) on a talking computer for reading and a cane for navigating New York City, where she lives and works, Ms. Campbell, now 56, would have been thrilled to see something. Anything.
Now, as part of a striking experiment, she can. So far, she can detect burners on her stove when making a grilled cheese, her mirror flame, and whether her computer monitor is on.
A. As part of the experiment, Ms. Campbell now are able to all the following EXCEPT walking in the city without the cane.
B. seeing her mirror flame.
C. telling whether her computer monitor is on.
D. detecting burners on her stove.


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