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发布时间:2024-07-31 06:27:52


M: Good morning, I’d like to speak to Mr. Jones, please. This is Tim Kunts at the Oak Street Computer Center.
W: Mr. Kunts, my husband isn’t at home. I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work, though.
M: Yes, please.
W: It’s 8760-8342.

Where is Mr. Kunts now( ).
A. At the Computer Center.
B. At home.
C. In the company.
D. At the Oak Street.

更多"M: Good morning, I’d like to "的相关试题:


M: Good morning, I’d like to speak to Mr. Jones, please. This is Tim Kunts at the Oak Street Computer Center.
W: Mr. Kunts, my husband isn’t at home. I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work, though.
M: Yes, please.
W: It’s 8760-8342.

Where is Mr. Kunts now( ).
A. At the Computer Center.
B. At home.
C. In the company.
D. At the Oak Street.
[单项选择]A: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Adams, please. This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center.
B: ( ).
A. Mr. Miller, my husband isn’t at home. I can give you his business phone if you’d like to call him at work, though.
B. My husband is not here. What’s the matter
C. Oh, I’m his wife. May I take a message
D. This is Mrs. Adams, my husband is out, you can talk to me.

M: Good morning, Miss. I’d like to speak to the manager.
W: I am the manager, Sir. How can I help you
M: Oh, really It’s this radio. It doesn’t work.
W: Mm... did you buy it here
M: What do you mean Of course I bought it here. Look, you switch it on and nothing happens.
W: Could I see your receipt
M: Receipt I haven’t got one.
W: Oh, you should have got a receipt when you bought it.
M: I perhaps did. I must have thrown it away.
W: Ah, well, have you got any other proof of purchase, the guarantee, for example
M: No. It must have been in the box. I threw that away, too.
W: Oh, dear. You really ought to have kept it. We need to know the exact date of purchase.
M: What I only bought it yesterday! That young man over there served me. Oh, I paid by cheque. I’ve got the cheque stub.
W: That’s all right then. Did you check the radio before you left t
A. A receipt and the cheque stub.
B. The guarantee and the receipt.
C. The radio and the box.
D. The credit card and a receipt.

How to Speak Good English

Ⅰ. Introduction
A. Many learners having difficulty communicating due to the lack of (1) and right methods.
B. Features of English learners:
—having neither idea nor courage of expressing themselves; therefore conversation (2)
C. 3-D methods to improve oral English: Dialogue, Discussion and Debate
Ⅱ. Importance of dialogues
Speaking good English not only means making presentation and (3) but concerns expressing ideas and perception of ordinary matters.
—ways to make dialogues
1) talking about weather, education, music, (4) , hobbies, travel, etc. rather than inquiring about the other’s name or job
2) making preparations before going to English Corner
3) not talking with people whose English level is (5)
4) knowing usual ways to start a conversatio

M: Good morning. I would like to borrow some novels in English. What kind of books would you recommend
W: It might be a good idea to read some easy articles first. You will enjoy them more and be able to read fast.
M: That’s a good idea. Thank you for your advice.

What does the woman suggest the man to do( ).
A. Read some novels in English.
B. Read some easy articles in English first.
C. Borrow some articles in English.

W: Good morning. Could I speak to Sales Manager, please
M: I’m sorry. He’s not in this morning. Who’s speaking, please
W: Sarah Jones of the Family Shopping Center. Have you got any idea when he’ll be back
M: I’m afraid he probably won’t be back until tomorrow. Can I give him a message
W: Yes, please. I’ m Sarah Jones. That’ s J-O-N-E-S. He can reach me most easily on 574430.
M: And what’s the message
W: Well, I was wondering if he could give an exhibition of your company’s washing machines in the Family Shopping Center any time next week
M: Ok, I’ll tell him as soon as he comes in tomorrow.
W: Thank you very much.
M: You are welcome.

Where is the woman phoning from ()
A. An Economic Company.
B. An Electronic Exhibition.
C. A Family Shopping Center.
D. A washing machines factory.


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