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发布时间:2023-10-13 13:56:57


M: As the pollution is going up. I won’t he able to stay here next year.
W: You earned so well! Why don’t you stay longer

What does the woman suggest to the man()
A. That he Will take a year off to work.
B. That he talked to the woman his problem.
C. That he should not go away.
D. That he hates the pollution.

更多"[听力原文] M: As the pollution is goi"的相关试题:


M: As the pollution is going up. I won’t he able to stay here next year.
W: You earned so well! Why don’t you stay longer

What does the woman suggest to the man ()
A. That he Will take a year off to work.
B. That he talked to the woman his problem.
C. That he should not go away.
D. That he hates the pollution.

M: I’m sorry I returned your course guide too late for your class at 10.
W: That’s OK, I looked on with a friend.

How did the woman solve the problem ()
A. She copied another course guide.
B. She decided to skip class.
C. She went to the library instead.
D. She shared a friend’s course guide.

M: I first read Ulysses when I was eighteen, but I didn’t understand much of it.
W: No wonder. It is one of the most complex novels in the English language.
O: Why isn’t the woman surprised at the man’s statement()

A. Because he doesn’t have a good knowledge of English.
B. Because the novel is too difficult to understand.
C. Because he is so young.
D. Because she didn’t understand it either.

M: I think I can check out as many books as possible with the student card.
W: But not the reference books.

What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Teacher & student.
B. Editor & reader.
C. Librarian & student.
D. Shop- assistant & customer.

M: I wish I could get used to this terrible weather.
W: I usually fly to the North during this time.

What is the man complaining about ()
A. Not knowing what he wants.
B. The weather that he does not like.
C. The plane.
D. Flying to the North.

M: I’m afraid I didn’t earth what Dr. Brown was saying just now.
W: He told us to hand in the lab report a week later.

When should the two speakers hand in their report()
A. Right now.
B. This week.
C. Next week.
D. Two weeks later.

Conversation 2
M: I’m terribly sorry. I’m late.
W: I’ve only been waiting for over an hour, that’s all.
M: Yes, I know, I... I tried to get here in time, but just after I left home, the car broke down.
W: The car broke down
M: Yes, and.., well.., luckily.., there was a garage near me, and.., and it took them a while to repair it.
W: Why didn’t you at least phone
M: I would have! But I didn’t know the number of the restaurant.
W: You could have looked it up in the telephone book!
M: Yes, but... You’ll never believe this... I couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant. I knew where it was, but forgot the name.
W: I see, well, it was lucky you find a garage to repair your car.

Why did the man apologize()
A. His car broke down.
B. He forgot the telephone number.
C. He was late for the appointment.
D. He couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant.

M: I want to do more reading, but I never seem to find the time.
W: Why not do it first thing in the morning

What does the woman suggest ()
A. Reading in the afternoon.
B. Reading in the morning.
C. Reading in the evening.
D. Doing morning reading right after getting up.

M: Madam, I’m sorry I was absent yesterday. But...
W: Oh, what’s your excuse this time

What can we know from the conversation ()
A. He always apologizes when he is absent.
B. He is often absent.
C. He is a polite person.
D. Many unlucky things have happened to him.

M: I wish I could see George here.
W: He’s planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that be had to take his father to the hospital.

Who’ s ill ()
A. George’ s brother.
B. George’ s wife.
C. George’s father.
D. George’s wife’s father.

M: I think I am not myself now.
W: Well, you’d better go to the school clinic and have a check-up.

What does the woman advise the man to do()
A. Take his temperature.
B. Have a good rest.
C. Take some medicine.
D. Get medical advice.


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