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发布时间:2023-10-23 14:08:58


M: I wish I could get used to this terrible weather.
W: I usually fly to the North during this time.

What is the man complaining about ()
A. Not knowing what he wants.
B. The weather that he does not like.
C. The plane.
D. Flying to the North.

更多"[听力原文] M: I wish I could get used"的相关试题:


M: I wish I could get used to this terrible weather.
W: I usually fly to the North during this time.

What is the man complaining about()
A. Not knowing what he wants.
B. The weather that he does not like.
C. The plane.
D. Flying to the North.

W: Congratulations, Henry! I wish you and Elizabeth a happy life!
M: Thank you so much.

When does this conversation probably take place ()
A. After a contest.
B. At lunch.
C. During a wedding.
D. During a meeting.

My grandfather used to have a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will.
"When I’m gone," he said, "this is going to be yours."
Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather came up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park.
"We’ll do better than that," said my grandfather, "we’ll go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square." SO off they went. They got home about teatime and my grandfather was looking very upset.
"My watch," he said, "it’s gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons."

What did the grandfather use to have?

Mr. Jones: What materials were used for road surfaces during the last century
Engineer: Usually they were gravel and macadam. Tars and asphalt were originally used only as coverings, but later they were used as binders and finally as hot mixtures.
Mr. Jones: Concrete is a modem material as far as road - building goes, isn’ t it
Engineer: Relatively speaking. But you might be surprised to know that a concrete road was built as early as 1893 in Ohio. But it was only 5 miles long. More extensive projects were not undertaken until much later, around 1912 or 1913.
Mr. Jones: This was because of the increase in traffic
Engineer: That’ s right. Especially in the use of heavy tracks. More rigid pavements, such as concrete and brick, became a necessity. For light traffic, though, water-bound macadam, gravel, sand clay, and bituminous mixtures were still used.
Mr. Jones: What are turnpikes usually made of
A. the increase in traffic
B. the cost of other materials
C. the change of the climate
D. the construction of the roads


W: I wish jack were coming to visit us.
M: He won’t be able to because it’s out of his way.

What do we learn from this conversation ()
A. Jack didn’t visit them.
B. Jack will not visit them because it’s not on his way.
C. They hope jack will visit them.
D. They are sure that jack will visit them.

M: Did you get any message about the meeting on Monday
W: Yes, I did. But I am still not quite sure what the meeting is about.

What does the woman wish to know ()
A. When the meeting is to beheld.
B. Where the meeting is to be’ held.
C. Who are going to attend the meeting.
D. What is to be discussed at the meeting.

W: Did you get the job you applied for
M: No. It’s been offered to someone else, but I think it wouldn’t have suited me anyway.

How does the man probably feel ()
A. Worried.
B. Unhappy.
C. Pleasant.
D. It’s OK.

M: I wish we had taken an umbrella.
W: That’s my fault. I thought it wouldn’t rain today.

What happened to the two speakers ()
A. They had lost their way.
B. They were told it was raining.
C. They were caught in the rain.
D. They had taken an umbrell

M: Tom said he could get some tickets for the game ifyou are interested.
W: If I’m interested! I’ve been trying to get tickets everywhere.

What does the woman mean()
A. She’d like to get tickets for the game very much.
B. She’s not interested in the game.
C. She’s already got some tickets for the game.
D. She feels sorry that the man has misunderstood him.

At Christmas I can get many presents, but one present that I especially like to get is a book. It doesn’t matter what kind of book it is. It can be a novel, a book of poems or a book of plays. I enjoy them all.
I sometimes get books from the Public Library. We have a very good one in our town, and the librarian gives me articles about literature and helps me to find good books. I also buy books, particularly those that I have read before and have enjoyed. I put them on my shelves and I can read them again and again. I feel that these books are my friends.

What present does the speaker like best
He especially likes to get a()


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