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发布时间:2024-03-23 18:56:00

[填空题]In the 1800s Americans and British competed to build clippers that could increase the speed of transporting tea from Canton River to the London Docks.

更多"In the 1800s Americans and British "的相关试题:

[填空题]In the 1800s Americans and British competed to build clippers that could increase the speed of transporting tea from Canton River to the London Docks.
[简答题]The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.
[单项选择]( ) was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.
A. King George Ⅰ
B. King George Ⅱ
C. King George Ⅲ
D. King George Ⅳ
[填空题] Chinese Americans
Chinese Americans are an ethnic minority in the
US. They used to be discriminated.
1. The history of Chinese immigrants
1) The first group of Chinese arrived during the
California (1) ______ in 1849. Their success invited (1)______
envy. They had to earn a living by doing the (2)______ (2)______
for the white miners, setting up restaurants, working as
farmhands or as (3) (3)______
2) The second group of Chinese arrived in the
early (4)______as laborers to construct the (4)______
(5)______ (5)______
3) After World War Two, more Chinese
were permitted to settle in America.
4) Today’s Chinese Americans are mostly the (6) (6) ______
______ of the first two groups of immigrants.
2. Some of their noteworthy characteristics as part
of the
[单项选择]  第一篇   How Americans See Themselves   Americans do not usually see themselves, when they are in the United States, as representatives of their country. They see themselves as individuals who are different from all other individuals, whether those others are Americans or foreigners. Americans may say they have no culture, since they often think of culture as an overlay of customs to be found only in other countries. Individual Americans may think they chose their own values, rather than having had their value forced on them by the society in which they were born. If you ask them to tell you something about “American culture”, they may be unable to answer and they may even deny that there is an “American culture”.   Because they think they are responsible as individuals for having chosen their basic values and their way of life, many Americans don’t like generalizations others make about them. Generalizations disturb Americans. They may be unhappy with the thought that they hold cert
A. representatives of their country
B. people different from person to person
C. individuals much the same as foreigners
D. individuals that share the same values and way of life.

British Government

When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide (51) will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each (52) one of the three main political parties in Britain today.
The Labour Party is the party of (53) , while the Tory Conservative Party the right and (54) the two, with policies and opinions of its own, is the smaller Liberal Party.
Britain is divided into over 600 political units called "constituencies", each with (55) own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of parliament (MPs) who will represent their (56) in the houses of Parliament at Westminster. Here, in the "House", the government (57) the day
A. outlooks
B. prospects
C. views
D. morals


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Information about British Economy
British economy enjoyed 5 years of strong economic ______.
Average GDP growth per year is ______.
The outlook for the British economy is ______.
The driving factor of this year’s economic growth is ______.
The most dynamic industry in recent years is ______.