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发布时间:2023-10-04 05:15:47

[单项选择]After a visit from several friends the nurse finds a client with a known history of opiate addiction in a deep sleep and unresponsive to attempts at arousal. The nurse assesses the client’s vital signs and would evaluate that an overdose of opiates had occurred if the findings showed a( )
A. Blood pressure of 125/80mmHg, a pulse of 80, and respirations of 22
B. Blood pressure of 140/90mmHg, a pulse of 76, and respirations of 28
C. Blood pressure of 180/100mmHg, a pulse of 72, and respirations of 18
D. Blood pressure of 70/40mmHg, a pulse of 120, and respirations of 10

更多"After a visit from several friends "的相关试题:

[单项选择]While performing rounds, a nurse finds that a client is receiving the wrong IV solution. The nurse’s initial response should be to()
A. remove the IV catheter and call the physician.
B. write up an incident report describing the mistake.
C. slow the IV flow rate and hang the appropriate solution.
D. wait until the next bottle is due and then change to the proper solution.
[单项选择]During afternoon rounds, the nurse finds a male client using a pencil to scratch inside his knee-to-toe cast. The client is complaining of severe itching in the ankle area. Which action should the nurse take()
A. Allow him to continue to scratch inside the cast with a pencil.
B. Give him a sterile metal object to use for scratching instead of the pencil.
C. Encourage him to avoid scratching, and obtain an order for diphenhydramine (Benadryl) if severe itching persists.
D. Obtain an order for a sedative, such as diazepam (Valium), to prevent him from scratching.
[填空题]After the nurse of the exam room has completed her job, the patient will be thoroughly reviewed all the body system by______.
[单项选择]After the nurse has taught the parents of a 5-year-old boy who has leukemia how to talk with their child about death and dying, which of the following would indicate that the parents have age-appropriate expectations about their child’s reaction to his impending death( )
A. "He is too young to understand what is happening to him. "
B. "He might think he can cause his death because he has misbehaved. "
C. "He will accept his death as caused by his disease. "
D. "He will understand how much his siblings will miss him. /

W: I’m having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you have the time to join us.
M: Saturday Sorry, I can’t go out on this Saturday evening. World Cup final is on that night.
Q: What will the man going to do on Saturday night()

A. Have dinner with friends.
B. Go out with several friends.
C. Stay home watching football game.
D. Stay home and do some housework.
[填空题]After Xia Jianping graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University, he made a similar choice to most college graduates that time to work in a state owned institution.

[单项选择]After Emily Dickinson retreated from the world at the age of twenty-six, she wrote more than one thousand poems.
A. received praise from
B. withdrew from
C. rebelled against
D. traveled around
[单项选择]The nurse is speaking to grieving parents after a sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) death. What should the nurse emphasize to the parents()
A. The death couldn’t have been prevented and isn’t the parents’ fault.
B. The parents must allow an autopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
C. The parents are still young and can have more children.
D. The parents should place other infants on their backs to sleep.
[单项选择]Text 2
After decades of exile from U.S. courts, the science of lie detection is gaining new acceptance. But the federal government wants to put a stop to it, and the U.S. Supreme Court has now agreed to consider a request from the Department of Justice to bar the technology from military courts.
Uncertainties surround the science of lie detection, which uses a device called polygraph. In 1991 President George Bush banned lie detector evidence in military courts. But that ban has since been overturned by the U.S. Court of Military Appeals, which ruled that it restricts defendants’ rights to present evidence of their innocence.
In the past two years, some federal courts have also ruled that polygraph evidence can be heard. This follows a decision by the Supreme Court in 1993 that gave federal judges more discretion to decide on the admiss
A. Federal Government.
B. U.S. Supreme Court.
C. Department of Justice.
D. Military Courts.
[单项选择]He went back to work after he had recovered from his illness ______ that they had found another person to replace him.
A. had been told
B. being always told
C. only to be told
D. unfortunately told
[单项选择]The nurse is planning care for a client after a tracheostomy. One of the client’s goals is to overcome verbal communication impairment. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the care plan()
A. Make an effort to read the client’s lips to foster communication.
B. Encourage the client’s communication attempts by allowing him time to select or write words.
C. Answer questions for the client to reduce his frustration.
D. Avoid using a tracheostomy plug because it blocks the airway.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a neonate 12 hours after birth. Which clinical manifestation would be the earliest indication that the neonate may have cystic fibrosis()
A. Steatorrhea.
B. Meconium ileus.
C. Decreased sodium levels.
D. Rhinorrhea.
[单项选择]The nurse looked after the patient carefully ______ he recovered quickly.
[A]in case [B]as soon as [C]so that


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