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发布时间:2024-02-01 20:22:13

[单项选择]While performing rounds, a nurse finds that a client is receiving the wrong IV solution. The nurse’s initial response should be to()
A. remove the IV catheter and call the physician.
B. write up an incident report describing the mistake.
C. slow the IV flow rate and hang the appropriate solution.
D. wait until the next bottle is due and then change to the proper solution.

更多"While performing rounds, a nurse fi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]After a visit from several friends the nurse finds a client with a known history of opiate addiction in a deep sleep and unresponsive to attempts at arousal. The nurse assesses the client’s vital signs and would evaluate that an overdose of opiates had occurred if the findings showed a( )
A. Blood pressure of 125/80mmHg, a pulse of 80, and respirations of 22
B. Blood pressure of 140/90mmHg, a pulse of 76, and respirations of 28
C. Blood pressure of 180/100mmHg, a pulse of 72, and respirations of 18
D. Blood pressure of 70/40mmHg, a pulse of 120, and respirations of 10
[单项选择]During afternoon rounds, the nurse finds a male client using a pencil to scratch inside his knee-to-toe cast. The client is complaining of severe itching in the ankle area. Which action should the nurse take()
A. Allow him to continue to scratch inside the cast with a pencil.
B. Give him a sterile metal object to use for scratching instead of the pencil.
C. Encourage him to avoid scratching, and obtain an order for diphenhydramine (Benadryl) if severe itching persists.
D. Obtain an order for a sedative, such as diazepam (Valium), to prevent him from scratching.
[单项选择]The nurse must assess judgment to determine a client’s mental status. Which test best accomplishes this()
A. Interpreting proverbs.
B. Spelling words backward.
C. Counting by serial sevens.
D. Discussing hypothetical ethical situations.
[单项选择]The nurse is providing preoperative care to a client scheduled for an appendectomy. Which statement regarding pain control is most appropriate()
A. "There’s no need to ask for pain medication, you’ll receive it on a schedule. "
B. "Take your pain medication after walking so that you won’t feel dizzy. "
C. "Take your pain medication before your pain becomes intense. "
D. "Use as little pain medication as possible to avoid addiction. "
[单项选择]The nurse is assessing the puncture site of a client who has received a purified protein derivative test. Which finding indicates a need for further evaluation()
A. 15-mm induration.
B. Reddened area.
C. 10-mm bruise.
D. Blister.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing a treatment plan for a client taking oral corticosteroids to control severe chronic asthma. Which statement indicates that the client understands his treatment plan()
A. "I should take corticosteroids on an empty stomach. "
B. "I need to take corticosteroids to help build up my immune system. "
C. "I should stop taking corticosteroids if I haven’t had an asthma attack for 1 week. "
D. "I’ll tell my other health care providers that I’m taking a corticosteroid. "
[单项选择]The nurse is developing a teaching plan for a client diagnosed with osteoarthritis. To minimize injury to the osteoarthritic client, the nurse should instruct the client to()
A. install safety devices in his home.
B. wear comfortable shoes.
C. get help when lifting objects.
D. wear protective devices when exercising.
[单项选择]While admitting a client with pneumonia, the nurse notes multiple bruises in various stages of healing. The client has Alzheimer’s disease and a history of multiple fractures. Legally, the most important action for the nurse to take is to()
A. document findings thoroughly.
B. question the client about the bruising.
C. inform appropriate local authorities.
D. tell the client’s physician.
[单项选择]While inspecting the client’s chest, the nurse notes that the chest wall contracts on inspiration and bulges on expiration. The nurse suspects which of the following problem from this assessment()
A. Hemothorax.
B. Flail chest.
C. Pneumothorax.
D. Tension pneumothorax.
[单项选择]A client asks the nurse what PSA is. The nurse should reply that it stands for()
A. prostate-specific antigen, used to screen for prostate cancer.
B. protein serum antigen, used to determine protein levels.
C. pneumococcal strep antigen, a bacteria that causes pneumonia.
D. papanicolaou-specific antigen, used to screen for cervical cancer.
[单项选择]A. He finds it fascinating.
B. He finds it dull.
C. He thinks it too long to see through.
D. He takes a little interest in the film.
[单项选择]Before undergoing a subtotal thyroidectomy, a client receives potassium iodide (Lugol’s solution) and propylthiouracil (PTU). The nurse would expect the client’s symptoms to subside()
A. in a few days.
B. in 3 to 4 months.
C. immediately.
D. in 1 to 2 weeks.
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[填空题]Which department finds new employees


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