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发布时间:2023-12-14 00:49:49

[单项选择]An elderly client is admitted to the hospital with the diagnoses of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type and depression. The client has all of the following symptoms. The symptom that is unrelated to the depression would be( )
A. Shallow or labile affect
B. Neglect of personal hygiene
C. "I don’t know" answers to questions
D. Apathetic response to the environment

更多"An elderly client is admitted to th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An elderly female client is admitted to a nursing home from the general hospital with a diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. One morning, after being in the nursing home for several days, the client is going to join a group of residents in recreational therapy. The nurse notes that the client has laid out several dresses on her bed but has not changed from her nightclothes. It would be most helpful for the nurse to( )
A. Remind the client to dress more quickly to avoid delaying the other residents
B. Help the client select appropriate attire and offer her assistance in getting dressed
C. Help the client dress and tell her what time the residents are expected at the activity
D. Allow the client as much time as she needs but explain that she is too late to attend this activity
[单项选择]The nurse is assessing an elderly client for dementia. Which of the following is a primary symptom of dementia
A. Neurosis.
B. Loss of impulse control.
C. Psychosis.
D. Memory loss.
[单项选择]An elderly client with Alzheimer’s disease begins supplemental tube feedings through a gastrostomy tube to provide adequate calorie intake. The nurse should be concerned most with the potential for()
A. hypoglycemia.
B. fluid volume excess.
C. aspiration.
D. constipation.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing an elderly client to get out of bed on the first postoperative day after a total hip replacement. Which of the following activities would be most helpful to the client( )
A. Demonstrate the use of a walker with partial weight bearing.
B. Explain to the client that she will be lifted out of bed to a chair.
C. Reassure the client that she will be assisted to walk to the hall.
D. Demonstrate the swing-through crutch-walking gait with limited weight hearing.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for an elderly client who exhibits signs of dementia. The most common cause of dementia in an elderly client is()
A. delirium.
B. depression.
C. excessive drug use.
D. Alzheimer’s disease.
[单项选择]An elderly client’s family tells the nurse that the client has suffered some memory loss in the last few years. They say that the client is sensitive about not being able to remember and tries to cover up this loss to avoid embarrassment. When attempting to increase the client’s self-esteem, the nurse should try to avoid discussing events that require memory of the client’s( )
A. Married
B. Work years
C. Recent days
D. Young adulthood
[单项选择]An elderly client’s lithium level is 1.4 mEq/L. She complains of diarrhea, tremors, and nausea. The nurse’s first action is to()
A. hold the lithium (Lithobid) and notify the physician.
B. reassure the client that these are normal adverse effects.
C. administer another lithium dose.
D. discontinue the lithium.
[单项选择]A client is admitted to the hospital for treatment of Prinzmetal’s angina. When developing the client’s plan of care, the nurse should remember that this type of angina is triggered by()
A. coronary artery spasm.
B. an unpredictable amount of activity.
C. activities that increase oxygen demand.
D. an unknown source.
[单项选择]A client is admitted to the hospital in the manic phase of bipolar disorder. When placing a diet order for the client, which foods would be most appropriate()
A. A bowl of soup, crackers, and a dish of peaches.
B. A cheese sandwich, carrot sticks, fresh grapes, and cookies.
C. Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, and peas.
D. A tuna sandwich, an apple, and a dish of ice cream.
[单项选择]A client is admitted to the hospital with a productive cough, night sweats, and a fever. Which action is most important in the initial plan of care()
A. Assessing the client’s temperature every 8 hours.
B. Placing the client in respiratory isolation.
C. Monitoring the client’s fluid intake and output.
D. Wearing gloves during all client contact.
[单项选择]A client is admitted to the hospital with an exacerbation of her chronic systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). She gets angry when her call bell isn’t answered immediately. The most appropriate response to her would be()
A. "You seem angry. Would you like to talk about it"
B. "Calm down. You know that stress will make your symptoms worse. "
C. "Would you like to talk about the problem with the nursing supervisor"
D. "I can see you’re angry. I’ll come back when you’ve calmed down. "
[单项选择]An elderly female client, who is quite confused and often does not recognize her children, is admitted to a nursing home. The client appears slovenly in attire, often soiling her clothing with feces and urine. The nurse can best manage this problem by( )
A. Putting the client into orientation therapy
B. Toileting the client at least once every 2 hours
C. Supervising the client’s bathroom activities closely
D. Explaining to the client how offensive her behavior is to others
[单项选择]An adolescent is admitted to the hospital for headaches. She approaches the nurse and confides that she is being sexually abused by a family friend. Which of the following would be the nurse’s best initial response()
A. "Can you tell me what happened"
B. "I believe you; you were right to tell me. "
C. "Have you told your mother and father about this"
D. "Who else have you told about this/
[单项选择]A school-aged child is admitted to the hospital with newly diagnosed, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. On admission his blood sugar is 180 mg/dL. His urine tests negative for ketones. He receives 10 units of regular humulin insulin subcutaneously half hour after admission. What should the nurse do next()
A. Carefully regulate an intravenous solution of normal saline and insulin at 2. 5 hours after admission.
B. Encourage the child to drink at least 500 mL of a sugar-free clear liquid 1.5 hours after admission.
C. Begin intravenous administration of 5% dextrose in water 1 hour after admission.
D. Assess the child 2. 5 hours after admission for shakiness, feelings of anxiety, or decreased level of consciousness.
[单项选择]A school-age child is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The nurse formulates a nursing diagnosis of Risk for infection. Which of the following is the most effective way for the nurse to reduce the child’s risk of infection<()
A. Implementing reverse isolation.
B. Maintaining standard precautions.
C. Requiring staff and visitors to wear masks.
D. Practicing thorough hand washing.
[单项选择]Mr. Smith is admitted to the psychiatric hospital for evaluation after numerous incidents of threatening, angry outbursts and two episodes of hitting a coworker at the grocery store where he works. He is very anxious and tells the nurse, "I didn’t mean to hit him. He made me so mad that I just couldn’t help it. I hope I don’t hit anyone here. " Which of the following is the nurse’s best response
A. "It sounds like you were angry. When you feel angry here, talk to the staff about it instead of hitting. "
B. "I’m sure you didn’t mean to hit him and that it won’t happen here. "
C. "You’d better not hit anyone here, even if you do get mad. "
D. "Tell me more about what happened. /
[单项选择]A 4-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital to rule out leukemia. Which of the following would be the best room assignment()
A. With a 4-year-old girl who has rheumatoid arthritis.
B. With a 5-year-old boy who is having a tonsillectomy.
C. With a 4-year-old girl who has leukemia.
D. Alone in a private room.


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