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发布时间:2023-10-13 14:25:37

[单项选择]An elderly female client is admitted to a nursing home from the general hospital with a diagnosis of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. One morning, after being in the nursing home for several days, the client is going to join a group of residents in recreational therapy. The nurse notes that the client has laid out several dresses on her bed but has not changed from her nightclothes. It would be most helpful for the nurse to( )
A. Remind the client to dress more quickly to avoid delaying the other residents
B. Help the client select appropriate attire and offer her assistance in getting dressed
C. Help the client dress and tell her what time the residents are expected at the activity
D. Allow the client as much time as she needs but explain that she is too late to attend this activity

更多"An elderly female client is admitte"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An elderly female client, who is quite confused and often does not recognize her children, is admitted to a nursing home. The client appears slovenly in attire, often soiling her clothing with feces and urine. The nurse can best manage this problem by( )
A. Putting the client into orientation therapy
B. Toileting the client at least once every 2 hours
C. Supervising the client’s bathroom activities closely
D. Explaining to the client how offensive her behavior is to others
[单项选择]When planning activities for an elderly nursing home resident with a diagnosis of vascular dementia, the nurse should( )
A. Plan varied activities that will keep the resident occupied
B. Provide familiar activities that the resident can successfully complete
C. Offer challenging activities to maintain the resident’s contact wit reality
D. Make sure that the resident actively participates in the unit’s daily activities
[单项选择]An elderly nursing home resident with the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s likes to talk about older days and at times has a tendency to confabulate. The nurse should recognize that this behavior serves to( )
A. Prevent regression
B. Increase self-esteem
C. Attract the attention of others
D. Reminisce about achievements
[单项选择]An elderly client is admitted to the hospital with the diagnoses of dementia of the Alzheimer’s type and depression. The client has all of the following symptoms. The symptom that is unrelated to the depression would be( )
A. Shallow or labile affect
B. Neglect of personal hygiene
C. "I don’t know" answers to questions
D. Apathetic response to the environment
[单项选择]The nurse instructs the female client concerning hormone replacement therapy for menopausal symptoms. Which of the following points should the nurse include in the client’s teaching plan( )
A. Estrogen therapy eliminates the need for supplemental calcium intake.
B. Estrogen therapy can reduce the risk of menopausal bone loss.
C. The risk of uterine cancer is decreased after menopause.
D. Smoking is associated with a later onset of menopause.
[单项选择]A depressed female client appears to show sadness in her nonverbal behavior. The nurse should plan to help the client to:( )
A. Increase her structured physical activity
B. Be able to carry out activities of daily living
C. Improve her ability to communicate with significant others
D. Deal with painful feelings by sharing them
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a female client with osteoporosis about her prescribed diet. Which of the following foods is the best source of calcium()
A. 1 cup of low-fat yogurt.
B. 1 cup of skim milk.
C. 1 oz of cheddar cheese.
D. 1 cup of ice cream.
[单项选择]A female client is discharged from the hospital after having an episode of heart failure. She’s prescribed daily oral doses of digoxin (Lanoxin) and furosemide (Lasix). Two days later, she tells her community health nurse that she feels weak and frequently feels her heart "flutter. " What action should the nurse take()
A. Tell the client to rest more often.
B. Tell the client to stop taking the digoxin, and call the physiciarn.
C. Call the physician, report the symptoms, and request to draw a blood sample to determine the client’s potassium level.
D. Tell the client to avoid foods that contain caffeine.
[单项选择]A female client is being treated for genital herpes. The client should receive teaching on the
A. prevention of outbreaks of lesions.
B. need to abstain from sexual contact.
C. need to keep the perineal area moist.
D. need to wear tight-fitting nylon underwear.
[单项选择]A female client has just been diagnosed with condylomata acuminata (genital warts). What information is appropriate to tell this client()
A. This condition puts her at a higher risk for cervical cancer; therefore, she should have a Papanicolaou (Pap) test annually.
B. The most common treatment is metronidazole (Flagyl), which should eradicate the problem within 7 to 10 days.
C. The potential for transmission to her sexual partner will be eliminated if condoms are used every time they have sexual intercourse.
D. The human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes condylomata aeuminata, can’t be transmitted during oral sex.
[单项选择]The nurse is planning care for a female client diagnosed with acute hepatitis A virus (HAV). What’s the primary mode of transmission for HAV()
A. Fecal contamination and oral ingestion.
B. Exposure to contaminated blood.
C. Sexual activity with an infected partner.
D. Sharing a contaminated needle or syringe.
[单项选择]In teaching a female client who is HIV-positive about pregnancy, the nurse would know more teaching is necessary when the client says()
A. "The baby can get the virus from my placenta. "
B. "I’m planning on starting on birth control pills. "
C. "Not everyone who has the virus gives birth to a baby who has the virus. "
D. "I’ll need to have a C-section if I become pregnant and have a baby. ”
[单项选择]A 14-year-old female client in skeletal traction for treatment of a fractured femur is expected to be hospitalized for several weeks. When planning care, the nurse should take into account the client’s need to achieve what developmental milestone()
A. Autonomy.
B. Initiative.
C. Industry.
D. Identity.
[单项选择]The nurse is assessing a 71-year-old female client with ulcerative colitis. Which assessment finding related to the family will have the greatest impact on the client’s rehabilitation after discharge()
A. The family’s ability to take care of the client’s special diet needs.
B. The family’s expectation that the client will resume responsibilities and role-related activities.
C. Emotional support from the family.
D. The family’s ability to understand the ups and downs of the illness.
[单项选择]A 35-year-old female client who complains of weight gain, facial hair, absent menstruation, frequent bruising, and acne is diagnosed with Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is most likely caused by which of the following()
A. An ectopic corticotropin-secreting tumor.
B. Adrenal carcinoma.
C. A corticotropin-secreting pituitary adenoma.
D. An inborn error of metabolisrn.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for an elderly female with osteoporosis. When teaching the client, the nurse should include information about which major complication()
A. Bone fracture.
B. Loss of estrogen.
C. Negative calcium balance.
D. Dowager’s hump.
[单项选择]Nursing care for a client after electroeonvulsive therapy (ECT) should include which of the following()
A. Nothing by mouth for 24 hours after the treatment because of the anesthetic agent.
B. Bed rest for the first 8 hours after a treatment.
C. Assessment of short-term memory loss.
D. No special care.
[单项选择]Mrs. Harris, an elderly patient in a nursing home, sat all day in a chair. She did nothing else. She required complete physical care, even feeding. No one seemed to realize that she was partially deaf and blind. One day, a young doctor observed cataracts in both her eyes. He discovered that if he spoke in her ear, she seemed to respond. One eye was operated on, and when it was first uncovered, the old woman cried with joy. Her recovery was quick, and she soon became quite independent. She started feeding herself and took to smiling and talking with others. The change in her attitude was amazing. Not only did she require less nursing care, but she was also able to help other patients. She was again able to see and with this, seemed to experience some hearing recovery.
Which of the following is true to show that Mrs. Harris was discouraged and depressed
A. She was in the nursing home.
B. It seems that she was partially deaf and blind.
C. She had no interests to participate any activities.
D. She was able to help other patients.


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