发布时间:2023-10-12 20:00:29

[单项选择]If you () in such a hurry you () sugar into the sauce instead of salt.
A. were not, would not put
B. were, would put
C. had been, would have put
D. had not been, would not have put

更多"If you () in such a hurry you () su"的相关试题:

[填空题]I can guess you were in a hurry. You()(wear) your sweater inside out.
[填空题]Hurry or you will be late for school.
______you don’t hurry, you will be late for school.

[填空题]I can guess you were in a hurry. You ______ (wear) your sweater inside out.

Above all know your audience and match what you say to their needs. Creating your presentation with your audience in mind will assure that your audience will follow you. If your presentation doesn’t appeal to your audience- no matter how well you have developed your presentation-- your presentation will fall on deaf ears. This leads us to the next rule: Know your material thoroughly. Your material needs to be second nature to you. Practice and rehearse your presentation with friends, in front of a mirror, and with colleagues. If you are speaking in a second language, make sure that you record yourself and listen to a number of times before going to practice with a native speaker (if possible).
Remember that you are an actor when presenting. Make sure that not only your physical appearance is appropriate to the occasion, but also the tone you use is well chosen. If your topic is serious, be solemn. However, it’s always a good idea to begin your presentation wit
A. Match your presentation to the needs of your audience.
B. Make sure to wear your best clothes.
C. Bring detailed handouts.
D. Know your material thoroughly.

[单项选择]Text 2
If you smoke, you’d better hurry. From July 1st pubs all over England will, by law, be no-smoking areas. So will restaurants, offices and even company cars, if more than one per-son uses them. England’s smokers are following a well-trodden path. The other three bits of the United Kingdom have already banned smoking in almost all enclosed public spaces, and there are anti-smoking laws of varying strictness over most of Western Europe. The smoker’ s journey from glamour through toleration to suspicion is finally reaching its end in pariah status.
But behind this public-health success story lies a darker tale. Poorer people are much more likely to smoke than richer ones—a change from the 1950s, when professionals and la-borers were equally keen. Today only 15% of men in the highest professional classes smoke, but 42% of unskilled worker
A. prohibition.
B. strictness.
C. pardon.
D. punishment.

If you are in a hurry, what kind of method can you use to read the newspaper
You can just().


If you smoke, you’ d better hurry. From July 1st pubs all over England will, by law, be no-smoking areas. So will restaurants, offices and even company cars, if more than one person uses them. England’s smokers are following a well-trodden path. The other three bits of the United Kingdom have already banned smoking in almost all enclosed public spaces, and there are anti-smoking laws of varying strictness over most of Western Europe. The smoker’s journey from glamour through toleration to suspicion is finally reaching its end in pariah status.
But behind this pubhc-health success story lies a darker tale. Poorer people are much more likely to smoke than richer ones--a change from the 1950s, when professionals and laborers were equally keen. Today only 15% of men in the highest professional classes smoke, but 42% of unskilled workers do. Despite punitive taxation--20 cigarettes cost around £ 5.00 ( $10.00), three-quarters of wh
A. the message that smoking kills isn’t voiced loudly enough
B. unskilled workers are more willing to pay for the heavy tax in cigarettes
C. single mothers are more likely to use their benefits to buy cigarettes
D. the positive effects are yielded mostly on the richer population


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