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发布时间:2023-12-16 23:08:26

[单项选择]The two girls sat () face to face, talking all () day.
A. the; the
B. the; /
C. /; /

更多"The two girls sat () face to face, "的相关试题:

[填空题]The two girls sat in a comer exchanging (confident)()about the task they were given.
Passage Two

Of all the catastrophes that could befall America in coming years, a big terrorist attack, perhaps even bigger than those on September 11 th 2001, may be more likely than others. Who would pay for the millions in property damage, business losses and other claims from such an attack
This is the question with which America’s Congress is currently wrestling. The Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) was passed as a temporary measure after September 11th to provide a government back-stop for the insurance industry in the event of a catastrophic attack. It now says government can step in when insured losses from a terrorist event top $5m. TRIA has helped to stabilize the market, and enabled insurers to continue offering terrorism-risk cover even after swallowing the big losses imposed by September llth. But unless Congress acts last, TRIA will expire at the end of the year. One likely result is the loss of
A. provides insurance to properties in high-risk areas
B. should be extended as it is now
C. requires government support to risk insurance
D. has caused a substantial loss of revenue to the state

[单项选择]The two friends sat in a corner and _____ away to each other about the weather.
A. talked
B. chatted
C. muttered
D. whispered
Passage One
Two pressing problems face the world: economic meltdown and global warming. Conveniently, a solution presents itself that apparently solves both: governments should invest heavily in green technology, thus boosting demand while transforming the energy business. This notion is gaining agreement around the world. Last month the United Nations called for a "Global Green New Deal". But it is in America that the idea is really taking off. The United States Conference of Mayors reckons that green investment should provide 2.5m jobs. The Centre for American Progress thinks $100 billion worth of spending in the area would provide 2m jobs. The new president tops both. Barack Obama proposes spending $150 billion over ten years, thus helping, he says, to create 5m jobs.
There is a historical parallel to this synergy between two worthy aim
A. It can provide millions of jobs with little money investment.
B. It can promote demand while reforming the energy industry.
C. It is helpful to the world’s peace and development.
D. It is well accepted by all of the countries in the world.

Passage Two
Practitioners in all the theoretical perspectives that we have reviewed use interviews to assess personality. The techniques range from informal conversational exchanges to well-organized series of specific questions designed to elicit (诱出) specific responses. Good interviewers do not limit their attention to what the interviewee says; they also look at how he or she says it. They note the interviewee’s general appearance, voice and speech patterns, the contents of his or her thoughts, and facial expressions and posture(姿态).
The interview is valuable for the direct personal contact that it provides, but it has some limitations, particularly from a research standpoint. For example, it is difficult to quantify everything that goes on in an interview. The person being interviewed may not understand or may resist the purpose behind the interview. Interviewees may state facts, opinions, and attitudes in a reliable fashion; but, in some cases, t
A. his appearance and thoughts
B. his non-verbal behavior
C. the quality and volume of his speech
D. the content and way of his speech

[填空题]Two astronauts face a not-so-merry Christmas after being told to ration their food and hope a cargo ship with extra supplies docks on Dec. 21. The crew aboard the International Space Station (ISS) only has enough supplies to last a month and must wait until the day after Western Christmas for a Russian cargo ship to deliver new supplies, space officials said on Friday.
Russian cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov and American Leroy Chiao have been asked to cut out calories equal to three cans of Coke from their daily diet--around 10 percent of their daily allowance and an amount that would be little noticed, NASA said.
Russian officials, quoted in the local media, have accused the previous crew of overeating during their one-month mission earlier this year, leaving a deficit of meat and milk and a surplus of juice and confectionery (糖果).
The Dec. 24 launch of the next Progress is now vital for the crew, stationed in orbit since October. It is due to dock with the ISS on Dec


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