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发布时间:2024-09-05 03:47:02

[填空题]Do you know the(high) __________ of St. Paul’’s Cathedral.

更多"Do you know the(high) __________ of"的相关试题:

[填空题]Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
[填空题]Do you know the(high) __________ of St. Paul’s Cathedral.

[单项选择]Fred: Hi, Paul, do you live near there
Paul: () I moved out to the suburbs.
A. Hi, Fred, how do you do
B. Hi, Fred, I’m very well, thanks.
C. Yes, I do.
D. No, I don’t.

W: What’s the matter, Paul You look worried.
M: I’ve just taken my chemistry exam and I’m pretty sure I failed it. I don’t know where the professor got some of these questions.

Why is Paul worried ()
A. He didn’t know where to find the professor.
B. He had difficulty doing the experiment.
C. He is afraid he failed the exam.
D. He couldn’t graduate from the university.

W: How do you usually spend your day, Paul
M: I usually get up at seven. I take a shower and dress and then I have breakfast at seven-thirty. I leave the house at eight. I work from nine to five. I have dinner at six-thirty, watch television and then go to bed.
W: How do you usually spend your weekends
M: In the summer, I usually sit in the park. At other times of the year, I like to do odd (临时的) jobs around the house or paint. Painting is my hobby.
W: What do you do for exercise
M: I play basketball every weekend.

At what time does the man usually have dinner( ).
A. At eight.
B. At six.
C. At six-thirty.
[简答题]You are Paul. You have got a ticket to a computer fair, but you now find that you are unable to go. Write a note to your friend, George, explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling him briefly how to get there.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.

W: What’s the matter, Paul You seem disappointed.
M: I knew just now that I hadn’t passed the last English test.

Why is Paul disappointed ()
A. Because he lost his English textbook.
B. Because he didn’t get good marks in the last examination.
C. Because he failed in the last English examination.
D. Because he did not attend the last English test.
[多项选择] What do you do to unwind How do you relax your mind
[单项选择]What is Paul going to do now
A. Get up.
B. Have more sleep.
C. Have his breakfast.
[单项选择]—Do you remember ______ he came
—Yes, I do, he came by car.
A. if
B. when
C. that
D. how
[简答题]{{B}}What do you do to unwind How do you relax your mind {{/B}}
[单项选择]Did you ever wonder why you see the colors you do or if other animals see the same colors that you see We see light that bounces off of things around us. When the light enters our eyes, special cells tell our brains about the light. These cells are called photoreceptors. Light is made of little bits called photons. When the sun shines, trillions and trillions of these little bits of light fall on the earth. The photons bounce off of almost everything and some of them enter our eyes. Those bits that enter our eyes allow us to sec. So, where does the color come from Starting in the 1600s with Sir Isaac Newton, scientists have believed that there are different kinds of photons. Different types give rise to our sense of colors. The different photons are said to have different wavelengths. Sunlight contains all the different wavelengths of photons. The visible wavelength colors can be seen when you look at a rainbow. Raindrops acting as natural prisms produce the colors.
A. the human eye is sensitive to all wavelengths
B. colors are related to wavelengths
C. there are more color-blind women than color-blind men
D. failure of rods cause color-blindness


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