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发布时间:2024-07-31 04:40:35

[单项选择]Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Thanks to panic-fueled crisis management by policymakers, it didn’t happen. But after three years of pain and very little economic gain, it may be happening now.
The signs are everywhere. Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, one that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between countries. Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians quarrel over how to control the world’s energy supply. Then there’s the rise of populist politics not only in the U. S. but throughout the rest of the world.
All of thi
A. America begins to implement a tighter immigration policy.
B. only 7% of FORTUNE 500 firms’ shareholders are foreigners.
C. global companies have to adapt their products to local needs.
D. Coca-Cola has to rigorously control the products sold to developing countries.

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[单项选择]Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Thanks to panic-fueled crisis management by policymakers, it didn’t happen. But after three years of pain and very little economic gain, it may be happening now.
The signs are everywhere. Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, one that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between countries. Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians quarrel over how to control the world’s energy supply. Then there’s the rise of populist politics not only in the U. S. but throughout the rest of the world.
All of thi
A. global economy is well on its way to full recovery.
B. regional economic recovery usually precedes global recovery.
C. globalization is not achieving the goal it sets for itself.
D. investment usually goes regional before it goes international.
The global financial crisis of 2008—2009 began in July 2007 when a loss of confide- nce by investors in the value of securitized mortgages in the United States resulted in a liquidity crisis that prompted a substantial injection of capital into financial markets by the United States Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the European Central Bank. The TED spread, an indicator of perceived credit risk in the general economy, spiked up in July 2007, remained volatil (反复无常的) for a year, then spiked even higher in September 2008, reaching a record 4.65% on October 10, 2008.
In September 2008, the crisis deepened, as stock markets worldwide crashed and en- tered a period of high volatility, and a considerable number of banks, mortgage lenders and insurance companies failed in the following weeks. For many months before September 2008, many business journals published commentaries warning about the financial stability and risk management practices of le
Simpson The global financial crisis of 2008—2009 began in July 2007 when a loss of confide- nce by investors in the value of securitized mortgages in the United States resulted in a liquidity crisis that prompted a substantial injection of capital into financial markets by the United States Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the European Central Bank. The TED spread, an indicator of perceived credit risk in the general economy, spiked up in July 2007, remained volatil (反复无常的) for a year, then spiked even higher in September 2008, reaching a record 4.65% on October 10, 2008. Amy In September 2008, the crisis deepened, as stock markets worldwide crashed and en- tered a period of high volatility, and a considerable number of banks, mortgage lenders and insurance companies failed in the following weeks. For many months before September 2008, many business journals published commentaries warning about the financial stability and risk
[简答题]The global financial crisis, brewing for a while, really started to show its effects in the middle of 2007 and into 2008. Around the world stock markets have fallen, large financial institutions have collapsed or been out, and governments in even the wealthiest nations have had to come up with rescue packages to bail out their financial systems.
On the one hand many people are concerned that those responsible for the financial problems are the ones being bailed out, while on the other hand, a global financial meltdown will affect the livelihoods of almost everyone in an increasingly inter-connected world. The problem could have been avoided, if ideologues supporting the current economics models weren’t so influential and inconsiderate of others’ viewpoints and concerns.
[单项选择]In the current global economic crisis, China, though () to some degree, is undoubtedly a country recovering the most rapidly from it according to some statistics.
A. having affected
B. has been affected
C. affected
D. has affected
[单项选择]A. Right after the father gives everyone some wine.
B. Right after the father makes the cross over the bread with a knife.
C. Right after the mother slices the bread for each member of the family.
D. Right after the father gives each member a piece of bread.

M: Take the pill three times a day right after meals, and each time take four.
W: Thanks a lot, doctor!

How many pills the patient should take one day ()
A. 4. 
B. 8. 
C. 12. 
D. 15.
America’s Brain Drain Crisis

Losing the Global Edge
William Kunz is described as a computer geek or a computer genius. When he was just 11, he started writing software programs, and by 14 he had created his own video game. As a high school student in Houston, Texas, he won first prize in a local science fair for a data encryption(编密码) program he wrote. In his senior year, he took up prize in an international science and engineering fair for designing a program to analyze and sort DNA patterns.
Kunz went on to attend Carnegie Mellon, among the nation’s highest-ranked universities in computer science. After college he landed a job with Oracle in Silicon Valley, writing software used by companies around the world. Kunz seemed to become a star in his field. Then he gave it all up.
Today, Kunz is in his first year at Harvard Business School. He left software engineering partly because his earning potenti


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