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发布时间:2023-10-15 11:19:03

[单项选择]Because of the complexity of our modern machine, we need our workers ()
A. to train special
B. specified in training
C. to have specified training
D. training specially

更多"Because of the complexity of our mo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Because of the complexity of the modern machine, most offices require secretaries()
A. to have specified training
B. specified in traing
C. to train specifiedly
D. training specified
Our modern understanding of the importance of workplace group dynamics dates to a series of experiments conducted in the 1920s and 1930s at a telephone-equipment plant in Cicero, IL. The Hawthorne studies, overseen by Harvard Business School professor Elton Mayo and named after the factory where they took place, set out to examine the relationship between working conditions—the amount of light in a room, say—and productivity. In one experiment, six women from the shop floor were put into a group and then observed while Mayo’s researchers adjusted such variables as the number of rest breaks and their meals. Any change, it seemed, led to increased productivity, feeding the theory of the Hawthorne effect—that what really mattered was change itself and the experimenters’ attention.
But Mayo later wrote about the six women and offered a more nuanced explanation, things changed when the women started thinking about one another and not about the bos
The Birth of Human Civilization

In the modern world, our way of life is constantly changing. Every year there are new fashions in clothes, games and music, and hundreds of scientific discoveries. For most of the human history, however, change has been very slow.
Hunters and Gatherers
Until as recently as 11,000 years ago, all humans lived a simple way of life, which had developed over millions of years. People lived in small families, gathering wild plant foods and hunting wild animals. They never stayed in one place for long but moved constantly, in search of new food sources or following wild animals. In these early hunting and gathering people used the same kind of tools for very long periods of time.
Settling Down
The first fully modern human beings, who had exactly the same intelligence and appearance as ourselves, evolved in tropical Africa about 100,000 years ago. They
[单项选择]Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ______ overnight.
A. being created
B. having created
C. to be created
D. to have been created

Few words are more commonly used in our modern world than the word modern itself. The modernity of manufactured articles, of institutions, of attitudes, of works of art is constantly brought to our attention.
We ourselves may well be judged by whether we are modern or not; indeed, many people go to considerable lengths to make quite certain that they will be accepted as modern — modern in their dress, their behaviour, their beliefs. And yet, we may ask, must not earlier generations have felt precisely the same Surely men throughout history must have recognized themselves as modern. Surely innovators like Julius Caesar, Peter the Great or Oliver Cromwell saw themselves as breaking with the past, as establishing a new order. (Must they not also have shared our awareness of the significance of what is modern) What is modern is distinct from what belongs to the past and men in earlier times must have experienced this sense of distinctiveness. Men cannot escape, and neve
A. very vulgar
B. in frequent use
C. insufficiently precise
D. used by the common people

[填空题] Modern technology has a big influence on our daily life. New devices are widely used today. For example, we have to (11) the Internet every day. It is becoming more and more (12) to nearly everybody. Now it’’s time to think about how the Internet influences us, what (13) it has on our social behavior and what the future world will look like. The Internet has (14) changed our life; there is no doubt about that. I think that the Internet has changed our life in a (15) way.


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