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发布时间:2023-12-16 23:13:01

[单项选择]Investors should realistically ______ the potential of any startup before investing their hard-earned funds.
A. compensate
B. convince
C. evaluate

更多"Investors should realistically ____"的相关试题:

[填空题]Subbaraman suggested that foreign investors should attach importance of five points though there is almost not any ______ for success.
[单项选择]Which classification of drugs is the most potentially fatal if the client takes an overdose()
A. Antihistamines.
B. Dopaminergics.
C. Phenothiazine antipsychotics.
D. Tricyclic antidepressants.
[单项选择]Which of the following may be regarded as potential crises
A. An alarming rise in local housing prices.
B. The availability of skilled workers in the region.
C. The lack of skilled workers in the region.
D. The public’s changing values and priorities.
[单项选择]Money managers and individual investors can indirectly participate in the commodities market through all of the following investment vehicles EXCEPT:()
A. trading commodities in small denominations.
B. futures contracts.
C. bonds indexed to some commodity price.

Interest Rate Hike Expected This Week
Investors will pace themselves very cautiously this week with all attention focused on the U.S. Federal Reserve for guidance after seeing equity markets retreat last month with concerns over higher interest rates and the economic  (150)  they can cause.
This week, the U.S. central banks will meet, and the interest rates will likely be hiked. This comes  (151)  the Fed has raised them four percentage points over the last two years.
"The market has kind of positioned  (152)  for the Fed raising 25 basis points... because of these fears about inflation," said John Johnston, chief strategist at Royal Securities.

A. maim
B. malign
C. damage
D. disqualify
[简答题]International investors seem incapable of ending their love affair with the dollar. America’s economy has slowed sharply this year, yet its currency has risen to a 15 year high in trade weighted terms. (46) Against the euro the dollar touched $ 0.88 — 8% higher than in early January and close to the level at which the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve jointly intervened to prop up the European currency last September. Why is the euro looking sickly
There are plenty of theories. One is that the markets do not trust the ECB: (47) the euro area economies are not immune to America’s downturn, yet the central bank still seems more concerned with fighting inflation than with supporting growth; another more plausible explanation is that, in an uncertain global economic climate, the dollar has resumed its traditional role as a safe-haven currency. Most economists reckon that the euro is undervalued and expect a rebound over the next year. One of the most optimist
[单项选择]What did the Japanese investors worry about
A. Russia’s poor business environment.
B. Russia’s tariff barriers.
C. Russia’s investment policies.
D. Russia’s economic reforms.
[填空题]It is clear that many institutional investors once voted________; now after so many scandals, some managers admit that they should have done more to________corporate excesses.
A. A.imprudently ... curb
B.insolently ... insinuate
C.intelligently ... observe
D.precariously ... expose
E.insensitively ... brook


Prudent investors learned long ago that putting your eggs into lots of baskets reduces risk. Conservationists have now hit on a similar idea: a population of endangered animals will have a better chance of survival if it is divided into interconnected groups. The prospects of the species will be better because the chance that all the constituent subpopulations will die out at the same time is low. And, in the long term, it matters little if one or two groups do disappear, because immigrants from better-faring patches will eventually re-establish the species’ old haunts.
One endangered species divided in just this way is the world’s rarest carnivore, the Ethiopian wolf, which lives high in the meadows of the Bale Mountains. Just 350 exist in three pockets of meadow connected by narrow’ valleys in the Bale Mountains National Park, with a further 150 outside this area.
Two of the main threats to the Ethiopian wolf come from diseases carried by domes
A. conservationists got inspirations from it.
B. endangered animals can be protected in a similar way.
C. the prospects of some species depend on conservation.
D. the subpopulations will die without being put into different groups.


If American investors have learned any lesson in the last 25 years, it is to buy shares on the dips. The slide in 2000--2002 may have been longer and deeper than they were used to but normal service was eventually resumed, driving the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a record high on October 1st.
Among American financial commentators, it is almost universally accepted that shares always rise over the long run. And one ought to expect shares (which are risky) to deliver a higher return than risk free assets such as government bonds.
Nevertheless, investors ought also to remember the world’s second largest economy, Japan. Its most popular stock-market average, the Nikkei 225, peaked at 38,915 on the last trading day of the 1980s; this week, nearly 18 years later, it is still only around 17,000, less than half its peak. Buying on the dips did not work either.
Professionals of the London Business School examined the record of 16 stock markets which were i
A. after housing prices keep growing for a long time, they tend to slow and stabilize.
B. investors will not stop buying before stock market prices cease to increase.
C. America never has a decline in housing prices on a nationwide basis.
D. it is sensible for investors to follow famous people’s investment advice.

[单项选择]Who should participate
A. People who have time.
B. All of the people.
C. Only those who have access to a phone.
D. Those with special experience.

A. Not everyone in Chile is happy. Investors in the smaller companies whose mines have been closed in the safety clamp-down are particularly displeased. But as well as complying with safety standards, it is helpful if mining companies have the resources, technical and financial, to cope when accidents do happen, as they inevitably will. As BP has demonstrated, being a big, well-financed business is no guarantee of an impeccable safety record. But BP did have one thing going for it—deep pockets. It has met the estimated $10 billion cost of the clean up so far, without recourse to the taxpayer.
B. Like unhappy families, every corporate disaster is unhappy in its own way. Except the Chilean mining disaster, which appears to be that rare phenomenon—a corporate disaster with a happy ending.
C. Of course, some people make their own luck. Unlike Tony Hayward, who sailed his yacht in the Channel while BP spewed oil in the Gulf of Mexico, President Pinera didn&


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