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发布时间:2023-12-08 06:16:47

[单项选择]A pregnant client with premature rupture of the membranes has had contractions every 10 minutes. After 48 hours, the contractions stop and the client is to be discharged with home monitoring. The nurse discusses with the client about preterm labor symptoms. Which of the following statements made by the client indicates that she needs further instruction( )
A. "I should report contractions that occur every 10 minutes in 1 hour. "
B. "I should lie in bed on my left side if contractions begin. "
C. "I should call the doctor if my contractions occur every hour for 6 hours. "
D. "If I start having contractions, I should empty my bladder. /

更多"A pregnant client with premature ru"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A pregnant client is taking folic acid. During prenatal teaching, which of the following foods would the nurse recommend as high in folic acid()
A. Egg yolks.
B. Fruit.
C. Bread.
D. Milk.
[单项选择]After determining that a pregnant client is Rh-negative, the physician orders an indirect Coombs’test. What’s the purpose of performing this test on a pregnant client( )
A. To determine the fetal blood Rh factor.
B. To determine the maternal blood Rh factor.
C. To detect maternal antibodies against fetal Rh-positive factor.
D. To detect maternal antibodies against fetal Rh-negative factor.
[单项选择]The nurse is providing care for a pregnant client. The client asks the nurse how she can best deal with her fatigue. The nurse should instruct her to()
A. take sleeping pills for a restful night’s sleep.
B. try to get more rest by going to bed earlier.
C. take her prenatal vitamins.
D. tell her not to worry because the fatigue will go away soon.
[单项选择]A pregnant client who is diabetic is at risk for having a large-for-gestational-age infant because of which of the following( )
A. Excess sugar causing reduced placental functioning.
B. Insulin acting as a growth hormone on the fetus.
C. Maternal dietary intake of high calories.
D. Excess insulin reducing placental functioning.
[单项选择]A 19-year-old pregnant client tells the nurse she’s concerned that she may not be able to take care of herself during her pregnancy. She states that prenatal care is expensive and her job doesn’t provide insurance. The nurse should recognize which of the following()
A. The client may not take care of herself.
B. The client may not be fit to take care of a child.
C. The client needs to take up a second job.
D. The client should be referred to community resources available for pregnant women.
[单项选择]When my mother learned she was pregnant with me, my parents sat down one Sunday morning to review their finances. Turning on the radio for a little light music, they penciled some calculations for the savings they would need to make to pay for my college education. The music paused for an announcement that Japanese airplanes were attacking Pearl Harbor. The notes went into the wastebasket. (66) Not so today for all the upheaval of the past half-century, this has been by far the most tranquil period ever. Unlike any of their forebears, a majority of the world’s young adults have good reason to develop plans for their old age. They know they will probably live to see the greenhouse-warmed planet of the late 21st century. (67) This is also unprecedented: never in history have people roused themselves against such a distant threat. Millions of people and whole governments are addressing the issue. Even in the US army, senior officers are studying the implications fo
[单项选择]A client with type 1 diabetes mellitus is pregnant for the second time. Her previous pregnancy ended in spontaneous abortion at 18 weeks’ gestation. She’s now at 22 weeks’ gestation. The nurse is responsible for teaching the client about exercise during her pregnancy. Which of the following statements indicates that the client has an appropriate understanding of her exercise needs()
A. "I know I need to walk with a friend or family member. "
B. "I know I need to vary the times of day when I exercise. "
C. "I know I need to exercise before meals. "
D. "I know I need to drink fluids while I walk. ”
[单项选择]A client is 22 weeks pregnant with her first child. Her weight gain is normal, but she complains of constipation. What’s the most effective recommendation the nurse can make()
A. "Take a mild laxative daily. "
B. "Increase intake of fluids and high-fiber foods. "
C. "Relax when trying to move the bowels. "
D. "Start a strenuous exercise program. "
[单项选择]A client who is 7 months pregnant reports severe leg cramps at night. Which nursing action would be most effective in helping her cope with these cramps()
A. Suggesting that she walk for 1 hour twice per day.
B. Advising her to take over-the-counter calcium supplements twice per day.
C. Teaching her to dorsiflex her foot during the cramp.
D. Instructing her to increase milk and cheese intake to 8 to 10 servings per day.
[单项选择]A client, now 37 weeks pregnant, calls the clinic because she’s concerned about being short of breath and is unable to sleep unless she places three pillows under her head. After listening to her concerns, the nurse should take which action()
A. Make an appointment because the client needs to be evaluated.
B. Explain that these are expected problems for the latter stages of pregnancy.
C. Arrange for the client to be admitted to the birth center for delivery.
D. Tell the client to go to the hospital; she may be experiencing signs of heart failure from a 45% to 50% increase in blood volume.
[单项选择]A 34-year-old client is 34 weeks pregnant and is experiencing bleeding caused by placenta previa. The fetal heart sounds are normal and the client isn’t in labor. Which of the following nursing interventions should be of priority( )
A. Monitor the amount of vaginal blood loss.
B. Allow the client to ambulate with assistance.
C. Perform a vaginal examination to cheek for cervical dilation.
D. Notify the physician for a fetal heart rate of 130 beats/minute.
[单项选择]Client: Excuse me. I tried to withdraw some money at the ATM outside, but the transaction failed. Bank Clerk: Maybe it’’s just the wrong denomination. The smallest at the ATM is ten dollars. Client: ______
A. What a nuisance.
B. So the thing is like this.
C. So it’s too small.
D. I see.
[单项选择]The client asks when he can stop taking the eye medication for his chronic open-angle glaucoma. Which would be the nurse’s best response()
A. "You can stop using the eye drops when your vision improves. "
B. "You Need to use the eye drops only when you has symptoms. "
C. "You can discontinue the eye drops after 2 months of normal eye examinations. "
D. "You must use the eye medication for the rest of his life. "


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