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发布时间:2023-12-06 20:24:16

[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the passage.

What can we know about the 1920 Olympic Games
A. It was held in Melbourne, Australia.
B. The Olympic Oath was not recited then.
C. There was torch relay in the opening ceremony.
D. The Olympic Flag was flown for the first time.

更多"Questions 18 to 20 are based on the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
We use both words and gestures to express our feelings, but the problem is that these words and gestures can be understood in different ways.
It is true that a smile means the same thing in any language. So does laughter or crying. There are also a number of striking similarities in the way different animals show the same feelings. Dogs, tigers and humans, for example, often show their teeth when they are angry. This is probably because they are born with those behavior patterns.
Fear is another emotion that is shown in much the same way all over the world. (80) In Chinese and in English literature, a phrase like "he went pale and begin to tremble" suggests that the man is either very afraid or he has just got a very big shock. However, "he opened his eyes wide" is used to suggest anger in Chinese whereas in English it means surprise. In Chinese "surprise" can be described in a phrase like "they s
A. we can hardly understand what people’s gestures mean
B. we can not often be sure what people mean when they describe their feelings in words or gestures
C. words can be better understood by older people
D. gestures can be understood by most of the people while words can not

Questions 25 to 29 are based on the following passage.
Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a very complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the "system" of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.
If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words, that price is the money
A. The Inherent weaknesses of the Price System.
B. The Complexities of the Price System.
C. Credit Terms in Transactions.
D. Resource allocation and the Public sector.

[单项选择]Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.Which of the following is NOT the reason for people to oppose year-round schooling
A. Some evidence shows that year-round schooling improves learning.
B. It is hard for families to organize activities.
C. Summer camp sponsors would find it hard to operate their business.
D. Some parents want to release the pressures of school for their children.
[单项选择] Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them for most of the misunderstandings between them. They have always complained, more or less justly, that their parents are out of touch with modern ways; that they are possessive and dominant; that they do not trust their children to deal with crisis, that they talk too much about certain problems — and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parent-child relationships.
I think it is true that parents often underestimate their teenage children and also forget how they themselves felt when young.
Young people often irritate their parents with their choices in clothes and hairstyles, in entertainers and music. This is not their motive. They feel cut off from the adult world into which they have not yet been accepted. So they create a culture and society of their own. Then, it turns out that their music or ente
A. obedient
B. disobedient
C. co-operative
D. independent
[单项选择]Questions 27 to 31 are based on the following passage.
What should you think about when trying to find your career You are probably better at some school subjects than others. There may show strengths that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong subjects but your records show a general satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your good subjects, you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.
Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good a
A. can help afford one’s education
B. is a good way to practice the skills learnt in school
C. can help you prepare for future work
D. is a waste of time that could have been spent on study
[单项选择]Questions 32 to 35 are based on the following passage.
Mandy Naylor writes an e-mail about her progress so far working as a social worker in Kazakhstan:
"Things are going well. There have been some real high points and some times when I’ve felt totally inadequate and thought VSO had wasted a whole load of money and time on me!
But I’ve never doubted that this was the right place and thing for me to do. I’ve made some great friends both with volunteers who are off in many different regions of Kazakhstan and some lovely local people.
As for work—we have just come back from the cold North of Kazakhstan from a conference and I will go back next year to lecture with my counterparts and hopefully, parents and disabled children, on the new social work course that we are busy developing. We are also looking at developing services for parents and children within the centre and a few funding bids will be submitted for that. I’ve also made good links with DIFI
A. She sometimes doubted her choice.
B. She thought is was well-paid.
C. She enjoyed her work very much.
D. She often felt totally inadequate.
[填空题] Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
As the world excitedly greeted Snuppy, the first cloned dog, commentators celebrated our cleverness. Many feel proud that our age is marked by technological (47) . But an article in British newspaper The Observer recently said true innovation has (48) from our society.
The writer was Peter Watson, author of the book Ideas — A History from Fire to Freud. Watson began: "The year 2005 can’t begin to compete with 1905 in terms of (49) innovations."
"Writing a history of ideas over the past three ears, I have been (50) time and again by the fact that, contrary to what we tell ourselves all the time-on TV, in newspapers and magazines, in (51) and in government propaganda — our present world is nowhere near as (52) and innovative as it thinks it is, certainly in comparison with past ages."
"Yes, we are dazzled by mobile phones, camera
[单项选择]Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What is the passage mainly about
A. Various uses of wild animals.
B. The danger of wild animals to human beings.
C. The danger of human beings to wild animals.
D. Causes of extinction of some wild animals.
[单项选择] Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the passage.

What is a blended family
A. Both parents work outside the home.
B. A mother or father living with children.
C. Adults take care of children that are not biologically theirs.
D. Men and women who were married before marry again and combine the children from previous marriages into new families.


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