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发布时间:2024-07-01 22:57:33

No one disagrees with the economic necessity of geographically extending a product. Not only does it increase turnover but also it makes economies of scale possible, thus giving companies a competitive advantage in local markets. But how far do we push the global idea Should we globalize all aspects of a brand: its name, its creative concept and the product itself
Global branding implies the wish to extend all three aspects throughout the world. Rarely, though, is it realistic and profitable to extend all of Ihem The Mars brand, for instance, is not absolutely global. The Mars chocolate bar is sold as an all-round nutritious snack in the UK and as an energizer in Europe. Nestle adapts the taste of its worldwide brands to local markets. The Nescafe formulas vary worldwide.
Nowhere is globalization more desirable than in sectors that revolve around m
A. To improve margins.
B. To maximize turnover.
C. To cut advertising costs.
D. To increase product appeal.

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No one disagrees with the economic necessity of geographically extending a product. Not only does it increase turnover but also it makes economies of scale possible, thus giving companies a competitive advantage in local markets. But how far do we push the global idea Should we globalize all aspects of a brand: its name, its creative concept and the product itself
Global branding implies the wish to extend all three aspects throughout the world. Rarely, though, is it realistic and profitable to extend all of Ihem The Mars brand, for instance, is not absolutely global. The Mars chocolate bar is sold as an all-round nutritious snack in the UK and as an energizer in Europe. Nestle adapts the taste of its worldwide brands to local markets. The Nescafe formulas vary worldwide.
Nowhere is globalization more desirable than in sectors that revolve around m
A. globalize the product, its name, logo and concept
B. choose which parts of the brand need globalizing
C. adapt the product to local market requirements
D. select a brand connected with international travel
[单项选择]No one disagrees with the economic necessity of geographically extending a product. Not only does it increase turnover but also it makes economies of scale possible, thus giving companies a competitive advantage in local markets. But how far do we push the global idea Should we globalize all aspects of a brand: its name, its creative concept and the product itself
Global branding implies the wish to extend all three aspects throughout the world. Rarely, though, is it realistic and profitable to extend all of Ihem The Mars brand, for instance, is not absolutely global. The Mars chocolate bar is sold as an all-round nutritious snack in the UK and as an energizer in Europe. Nestle adapts the taste of its worldwide brands to local markets. The Nescafe formulas vary worldwide.
Nowhere is globalization more desirable than in sectors that revolve around mobility, such as the car rental and airline industries. When a brand in these sectors is seen as being international, its authorit
A. globalize the product, its name, logo and concept
B. choose which parts of the brand need globalizing
C. adapt the product to local market requirements
D. select a brand connected with international travel
[简答题]Outline: 1. Necessity of economic reform 2. The benefits brought about by economic reform 3. Economic reform should continue
1. Necessity of economic reform
2. The benefits brought about by economic reform
3. Economic reform should continue
[单项选择]One major obstacle to economic development is population growth. The populations of most developing countries grow at a rate much faster than that of in dustrialized countries. One reason for this growth is the high crude birth-rate—the number of live births per 1,000 people.
A. to
B. The populations
C. that
D. live births
[填空题]One of the greatest economic and social changes of the post-war years has gone largely unnoticed. It is that more and more women are going out to work. Today in the United States, in Japan and in the United Kingdom, almost 40 per cent of the work force is female.
16. ______
Most women now work far longer hours than men -in factory, shop or office as well as in the home as cook, cleaner, child rearer, shopper and home-maker. This "double burden" means that the average woman who goes out to work is now putting in an 80-hour working week -twice as long as most men.
So equality depends not only on women sharing in paid employment but also on men sharing in the tasks of the home. At the moment husbands in all industrialised countries contribute very little to domestic work and recent research shows that this contribution does not increase when the wife goes out to work. American researcher Joan Vanek, for example, found that the average father in the United States spend
[填空题]One of the main goals of economic globalization is that____________________(就是使地球上每一处地方都和其他一方几乎一样,不管中美国还是中国都不例外)

Passage One

America’s economic recovery remains uncomfortably weak. The latest data show industrial production falling while the trade deficit soars to record levels. To round off a dismal week for economic statistics, the Fed (美联储) announced that industrial production fell by 0.2% in December compared with the previous month. That came as a disappointment to economists who had been expecting a small rise. Monthly data are always unreliable, of course; there is always a plausible explanation for unexpectedly bad(or good) news. But nearly all recent economic statistics point to the same conclusion—that America’s recovery remains sluggish and erratic. It could put pressure on the Fed to consider cutting interest rates again when its policymaking committee meets at the end of the month.
The biggest obstacle to healthier economic performance, though, is political. As the Fed’s chairman, Alan Greens
A. It can stimulate investment in new plant and equipment.
B. It can reduce interest rates so as to stimulate weak economic activity.
C. The Fed tries to keep inflation low.
D. The former President Bush can offer appropriate monetary policy.


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