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发布时间:2024-07-06 19:46:57

[单项选择]George: You’re not looking very cheerful. __________ Joe: Oh, nothing in particular. I’m just a bit fed up. George: With your job Joe: Yes, that’s right.
A. Are you OK
B. Are you feeling well
C. How are you
D. What’s the matter with you

更多"George: You’re not looking very che"的相关试题:

[填空题]George: You look pale. What’s the matter with you Rose: ______.

M: You’re not looking too good. Are you sure you are all right
W: It was a long flight. I’ll be fine after a good night’s sleep.
M: You look very pale.
W: These long flights are just so boring, and you just have to sit there in your seat without moving and you know I like to get as much exercise as possible. I’m sure I’ll be back to normal tomorrow.

How does the woman fool ( )
A. Ill
B. Tired.
C. Nervous.
[简答题]If you go to sleep on your back , you’re a very open person . You normally trust people and you are easily influenced by fashion or new ideas .
[填空题]Whether you’re looking for a quiet place or a holiday trip, Florida’s natural beauty and various tourist activities will let you make your dream alive. Nature lovers can explore hundreds of acres of lakes, forests and wetlands tilled with native birds, fish and wildlife.
Florida is a sportsman’s paradise as well, with plenty of opportunities for water sports lovers, and Florida is also the nation’s best tennis place, with over 7700 tennis facilities. With thousands of rivers and lakes, plus over 1, 000 miles of beaches on the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico, Florida is a water sports wonder land. Florida is also home to some of the best attractions in the United States, from technologically advanced parks to historic museums.
Welcome to Florida, ladies and gentlemen!

Florida is most attractive because of its (1) , and its various (2) .
Visitors to Florida are mainly (3)
[单项选择]George: You’ ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner, Mrs. Wang.
Mrs. Wang:()
A. Oh, I’m afraid I didn’ t cook very well.
B. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
C. Come again when you are free.
D. It’s not necessary for you to say so.
[简答题]Depending on what you are looking for. you have to judge for yourself ________ (这些资料对你来说有多大的相关性).


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