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发布时间:2024-07-07 19:52:15


W: What’s in the big bag
M: I bought some potatoes, tomatoes and cabbages.

What did the man buy( ).
A. Vegetables.
B. Fruit.
C. Clothes.

更多"W: What’s in the big bag M:"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Yesterday my aunt bought some new ( ) for her flat at the seaside.
A. furniture
B. furnitures
C. possession
D. possessions
[单项选择]Yesterday my aunt bought some new() for her flat at the seaside.
A. furniture
B. furnitures
C. possession
D. possessions
[单项选择]What’s in that big bag()
A. Vegetables.
B. Meats.
C. Fruits.
D. Cookies.

W: I just bought some meat this morning, and now I can’t find it anywhere. Do you know what happened to it
M: Did you hear there is a wild dog nearby That was it. I’m sure.

What is the problem()
A. The woman doesn’t like meat.
B. The woman didn’t come to see a dog.
C. The man was in the house this morning.
D. The dog stole the meat.
[单项选择]Yesterday my aunt bought some new_________for her flat at the seaside.
A. furniture
B. furnitures
C. possession
D. possessions
[简答题]Recently government agencies in some big cities have been studying the possibility of putting a "pollution tax" on private cars. The amount of tax private car owners would have to pay would depend on the emission levels, i. e. engine or vehicle size. This has caused quite a stir among the public. Some regard it as an effective way to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. But others don’t think so. What is your opinion
Write an article to clarify your own points of view towards this issue. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example.
You should write no less than 250 words.
[填空题]______ In some big American cities, apartments are becoming more and more expensive.
[简答题]People in some big cities are highly mobile,__________(因此很多人发现很难彼此深交).
Your friend Tom bought a cat some days ago, not knowing how to take good care of it, thus he wrote to you for your advice. Write him back with the following points:
1. express your surprise that he likes cat.
2. give him information concerning cat’s living habit(eating, sleeping, etc.)
3. remind him that cat is always a naughty and independent animal so that he needs to be patient.
You should write about 100 words on answer sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Jane" instead. You do not need to write the address.
[填空题]______ (除了他要的词典之外), I also bought him some reference books.

[单项选择]Mary and I bought ______ some oranges.
A. myself
B. herself
C. ourselves
[简答题]Give some examples on big companies’ measures to prepare for the climate change.
[填空题]There are some apples in the author’s book bag.

[填空题]What big difference have some American teachers noticed between Chinese and American students The big difference is in ______ between Chinese and American students.


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