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发布时间:2023-12-16 04:37:01


Everyone has heard of the Braille system of reading for the blind. But few people know why it is called the "Braille" system or who Louis Braille was. In the year 1812,Louis Braille was a very small boy. He lived in a small town in France. Louis’ father had a small shop in which he made things of leather. One day Louis was playing in his father’s shop and picked up a small tool with a very sharp point, Louis fell, the point of the tool entered his eye. And later he became blind in both eyes. One day, he said to his father," Blind people are the loneliest people in the world. I can tell one bird from another by its sound. I can know the door of the house by feeling it with my hand. But there are so many things which I can not hear and can not feel. Only books can free the blind. But there are no books for us to read./

Why is the reading system for the blind called the Braille( ).
A. Because it was invented by the person called Braille.
B. Because it was first used by the person called Braille.
C. It is unknown.

更多"Everyone has heard of the Braille s"的相关试题:


Everyone has heard of the Braille system of reading for the blind. But few people know why it is called the "Braille" system or who Louis Braille was. In the year 1812,Louis Braille was a very small boy. He lived in a small town in France. Louis’ father had a small shop in which he made things of leather. One day Louis was playing in his father’s shop and picked up a small tool with a very sharp point, Louis fell, the point of the tool entered his eye. And later he became blind in both eyes. One day, he said to his father," Blind people are the loneliest people in the world. I can tell one bird from another by its sound. I can know the door of the house by feeling it with my hand. But there are so many things which I can not hear and can not feel. Only books can free the blind. But there are no books for us to read./

When did Louis Braille live( ).
A. He hved in the 170Os.
B. He lived in the 1800s.
C. He lived in the 190Os.
[单项选择]I heard London has a larger population than()in the United Kingdom.
A. any city
B. any other city
C. all cities
D. all other city
[单项选择]Computer operating system software has become increasingly standardized. But when a large business with multiple, linked computer systems uses identical operating system software on all of its computers, a computer vandal who gains access to one computer automatically has access to the data on all the computers. Using a program known as a "virus," the vandal can then destroy much of the data on all the computers. If such a business introduced minor variations into its operating system software, unauthorized access to all the computers at the same time could be virtually eliminated. Furthermore, variations in operating system software can be created without any loss of computer compatibility to the business. Therefore, it is advisable for businesses to implement such variations.
Which one of the following, if true, supports the conclusion in the passage
A. Standardization of computer operating system software has increased computer compatibility among different businesses.
B. Correcting any damage resulting from an invasion by a computer virus program is more expensive than preventing the damage.
C. It is not costly for a business to maintain incompatible computer operating systems.
D. There are other kinds of destructive computer programs that do not depend on intercomputer links.
E. (E) Not all businesses need to share data among their internal computer systems.
[单项选择]—Have you heard that Wang has divorced her husband —_________.. She looks quite miserable.
A. I’ve heard of it
B. I’ve never heard of it
C. I feel so sorry
D. It’s a pity
[单项选择]Everyone has heard of the San Andreas fault, which constantly threatens California and the West Coast with earth- quakes. But how many people know about the equally serious New Madrid fault in Missouri.’
Between December of 1811 and February of 1812, three major earthquakes occurred, all centered around the town of New Madrid, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. Property damage was severe.
Buildings in the area were almost dest oyed. Whole forests fell at once, and huge cracks opened in the ground, allowing smell of sulfur to filter upward.
The Mississippi River itself completely changed character, developing sudden rapids and whirlpools. Several times it changed its course, and once, according to some observers, it actually appeared to run backwards. Few people were killed in the New Madrid earthquakes, probably simply because few people lived in the area in 1811; but the severity of the earth- quakes are shown by the fact that the shock waves rang bells in church tower
A. the New Madrid fault in Missouri
B. the San Andreas and the New Madrid faults
C. the causes of faults
D. current scientific knowledge about faults
[单项选择]Everyone has heard the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words". Videoconferencing provides that picture, bringing decision makers together for face-to-face meetings regardless of their location. Merely hearing words spoken in a phone conversation limits total communication. Adding a visual link to see the face and the body language enhances communication. Seeing the picture allows the participants to comprehend the intended meaning, not just the perceived meaning of conversation.
"Researchers have suggested that when there is an incongruity between the verbal and the nonverbal message, we tend to believe the nonverbal one," according to Patton and Giffin, authors of Decision Making Group Interaction. In videoconferencing, hand and arm movement as well as other gestures can illustrate an idea or express an emotional state. More important, facial expression and eye movement can communicate valuable information that is lost in a mere telephone conversation. According to Goss a
A. enhance the communication
B. increase productivity
C. understand the real meaning of the other party
D. all of the above

You heard that one of your friends has been accepted by a foreign university. Write a letter of congratulations including (1) your congratulations; (2) some advice; (3) reminding him to keep in touch with you. You should write about I00 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.

[简答题]You have heard that your friend Jane has won the first prize at the speech contest. Write a note of congratulations to him. {{I}}Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropirateness{{/I}}


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