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发布时间:2024-07-30 18:09:09

[单项选择]There was an accident _______ the crossroads at midnight last night.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. by

更多"There was an accident _______ the c"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An accident happened at ______. crossroads a few meters away from ______bank.
[A] a; a [B] /; a [C] /; the [D] the; /
[单项选择]On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she ______ pale.
A. got
B. changed
C. went
D. appeared
[单项选择]There was an accident __________ the crossroads at midnight last night.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. by
Accident Report Form
Accident A car crashed into a tree. Some people were trapped in the car.
Weather conditions There was a heavy rain.
Date of call June 3,2006
Time of call 9:30 p.m.
Name of caller Mrs Green
[单项选择]What is the accident
A. A boy fell into the river.
B. A boy’s bike is broken.
C. A boy was hit by a car.
[简答题]The world is at an environmental crossroads where the choice between greed and humanity will decide the fate of millions of people for decades to come, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) said. "Fundamental changes are possible and required," UNEP executive director Klaus Toepfer told a news conference presenting the third Global Environment Outlook (GEO) report. "It would be a disaster to sit back and ignore the picture painted,"
46)The GEO-3 report, designed to kick world leaders into action ahead of the Johannesburg earth summit in late August, sees a bleak outlook for the future unless radical action is taken now. "The choices made today are critical for the forests, oceans, rivers, mountains, wildlife and other life support systems upon which current and future generations depend," it said.
The report painted four possible scenarios (假定)ranging from the greed-driven "markets first" future to the caring and sharing "sustainability first" approach.
[单项选择]Japan was approaching the crossroads and it was imperative that Japan ( ) into the most desirable course of action.
A. would be guided
B. was to be guided
C. be guided
D. was guided

As one approaches some crossroads, one comes to a sign which says that drivers have to stop when they come to the main road ahead. At other crossroads, drivers have to go slow, but they do not actually have to stop (unless, of course, there is something coming along the main road); and at still others, they do not have either to stop or to go slow, because they are themselves on the main road.
Mr. Williams, who was always a very careful driver, was driving home from work one evening when he came to a crossroads. It had a "Slow" sign, so he slowed down when he came to the main road, looked both ways to see that nothing was coming, and then drove across without stopping completely.
At once he heard a police whistle, so he pulled in to the side of the road and stopped. A policeman walked over to him with a notebook and pencil in his hand and said, "You didn’t stop at the crossing."
"But the sign there doesn’t say ’St
A. there was a stop sign that Mr Williams ignored
B. the police was not sure whether Mr Williams had a driving license
C. the police thought that he was at a different crossroads with a stop sign on it
D. there was a slow sign that Mr Williams ignored


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