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发布时间:2023-11-05 03:52:01

[单项选择]Don’t put the chair too close to the stove. Dry wood ______ fire easily, you know.
A. lights
B. burns
C. makes
D. catches

更多"Don’t put the chair too close to th"的相关试题:

[填空题]The ground should not be too wet or too dry. The ground should be neither too wet ______ too dry.
[填空题]The ground should not be too wet or too dry.
The ground should be neither too wet ______ too dry.

[填空题]Why don’t most people put their dependent spouses into nursing homes
Don’t Share Too Much Information with Co-Workers

There are several reasons for not sharing personal information with your co-workers. You may not want to burden your co-workers. As I alluded to, also, did not trust your co-workers to keep your secret. There are people around, and we all know someone like this, who will think nothing of talking about you. Some people are very matter-of-fact about it and just assume there’s nothing wrong with telling others whatever you told them. Some may be malicious and intend to cause harm by spreading information. By the time you find out you’ve shared your story with the wrong person, it’s usually too late.
Those of you who have been around dogs know that a dog will show its submissiveness to a more dominant dog by exposing its belly. When you share personal information, especially information that shows your weaknesses, you may be "exposing your belly" to your co-workers. If your position at wor
[填空题]I don’t expect too much of this English proficiency test, _______________________ (能考及格我就很满意了).

[单项选择]—Don’t put the waste on the ground, young man. —Oh, I’m sorry. I ______ the dustbin there.
A. hadn’t seen
B. didn’t see
C. can’t see
D. wasn’t seeing

Don’t take too much depression medicine if you’re depressed more than once.
[单项选择]Don’t be too willing to believe. If he had intended to give you the job,he would have called you by now.()
A. 不要太高兴了,他不会给你这份工作的,要不然早就给你打电话了。
B. 不要太轻信了,如果他打算给你这份工作,早就给你打电话了。
C. 你怎么高兴都不过分,因为他打算给你这份工作,而且给你打了电话。
D. 你太高兴了,所以都不敢相信他给了你这份工作,而且还打了电话。
Don’t get too close to a tired teen ;you could start losing sleep as well.When one teenager starts sleeping less, her friends and others in her social {{U}} (67) {{/U}} soon lose sleep, too, according to new research.
Our social networks can {{U}} (68) {{/U}} our behaviors and moods. Political scientist James Fowler of the University of California has studied these effects and previously found that obesity, smoking, and {{U}} (69) {{/U}} happiness can spread through networks of people {{U}} (70) {{/U}} based on their relationships.
Fowler {{U}} (71) {{/U}} his study of a network of more than 8000 7th-to 12th-grade students and their sleeping and smoking {{U}} (72) {{/U}}. He and colleagues {{U}} (73) {{/U}} a web of connections between each student and his or her friends. In one of these friend webs, a gang of sleepless boys
A. up
B. off
C. after
D. in


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