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发布时间:2024-07-31 03:32:09

Controlling Robots with the Mind

Belle, our tiny monkey, was seated in her special chair inside a chamber at our Duke University lab. Her right hand grasped a joystick (操纵杆) as she watched a horizontal series of lights on a display panel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved the joystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a drop of fruit juice into her mouth.
Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under it were four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle’s motor cortex (脑皮层), the brain tissue that plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron (神经元). When a neuron produced an electrical discharge, the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a small wiring bundle that ran from Belle’s c
A. grasped the joystick
B. moved the joystick to the side of the light
C. sat quietly in a special chair
D. watched lights on a display panel

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Controlling Robots with the Mind


Belle, our tiny monkey, was seated in her special chair inside a chamber at our Duke University lab. Her right hand grasped a joystick (操纵杆) as she watched a horizontal series of lights on a display panel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved the joystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a drop of fruit juice into her mouth.
Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under it were four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle’s motor cortex (脑皮层), the brain tissue that plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron (神经元). When a neuron produced an electrical discharge, the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a small wiring bundle that ran f
A. a plastic box next door
B. a computer at Cambridge University
C. a box of electronics in the booth
D. a box which, in turn, was linked to two computers

Controlling Robots with the Mind


Belle, our tiny monkey, was seated in her special chair inside a chamber at our Duke University lab. Her right hand grasped a joystick (操纵杆) as she watched a horizontal series of lights on a display panel. She knew that if a light suddenly shone and she moved the joystick left or right to correspond to its position, she would be sent a drop of fruit juice into her mouth.
Belle wore a cap glued to her head. Under it were four plastic connectors, which fed arrays of microwires—each wire finer than the finest sewing thread—into different regions of Belle’s motor cortex (脑皮层), the brain tissue that plans movements and sends instructions. Each of the 100 microwires lay beside a single motor neuron (神经元). When a neuron produced an electrical discharge, the adjacent microwire would capture the current and send it up through a small wiring bundle that ran from Belle
A. It was directed by signals converted from the electrical activity in Belle’s brain
B. It converted the electrical patterns into instructions for the other robot
C. It was six hundred miles away from where Belle was
D. It could perform the same function as Belle did

[填空题]Controlling our physical reactions and our thoughts is an effective means of managing stress.

[填空题]Robots are not ready to take their place in our homes. But they are getting better at working closely with humans in industrial settings. That was very (26) at this year’s International Conference of Robotics and Automation in Hong Kong. In 2000, Japanese engineers (27) the world with their humanoid robot Asimo, which could walk, run and grasp both hard and soft objects. Fourteen years later, robots are still not ready to help out in our homes, but many mechanical and electrical solutions first (28) those experimental platforms are now being used in industry and medicine.
Different mechanical arms and hands are being (29) for jobs that require not only greater strength and (30) than human hands, but are also safe to operate around people. Barrett Technology’s robotic arm mimics any move done by a (31) arm, down to the strength of the grip. A robot called Baxter is very good at learning even complicated operations,
[单项选择]Woman: Do you mind closing the door Our next door neighbors are making so much noise.
Man: Do I mind I’d be happy to.
Question: What does the man mean( ).
A. He’s not bothered by the noise.
B. He’s happy to close the door as the woman asks him to do.
C. He prefers to leave the door open.
D. He’s happy to talk to their neighbors.
Robots May Allow Surgery in Space

Small robots designed by University of Nebraska researchers may allow doctors on Earth to help perform surgery on patients in space.
The tiny, wheeled robots, (1) are about 3 inches tall and as wide as a lipstick case, can be slipped into small incisions (切口) and computer-controlled by surgeons in different locations. Some robots are equipped (2) cameras and lights and can send images back to surgeons and others have surgical tools attached that can be (3) remotely.
"We think this is going to (4) open surgery," Dr. Dmitry Oleynikov said at a news conference. Oleynikov is a (5) in computer-assisted surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.
Officials hope that NASA will teach (6) to use the robots soon enough so that surgeries could one day be performed in space.
On earth, the surgeons could control the robots the
A. relevant
B. true
C. helpful
D. interesting


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