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发布时间:2024-09-20 04:17:51

[填空题]CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4)
The man usually can be gotten in touch at (1) or in (2) .
Time for her sister to come back: next (3) .
The woman will come to the man’s at (4) .

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[填空题]CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4)
The man usually can be gotten in touch at (1) or in (2) .
Time for her sister to come back: next (3) .
The woman will come to the man’s at (4) .
[填空题]CONVERSATION 1 (Questions 1-4)
The man likes the college’s (1) and (2) .
Number of the students: (3) .
The students can join in different (4) .
[填空题]CONVERSATION 1(Questions 1-4)
Man’s name: (1) .
Woman’s name: (2) .
Name of the man’s wife: (3) .
The man’s telephone number: (4) .

Conversation 2
Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.
W: Hello, Air Traveler. What can I do for you, Sir
M: Can I book a ticket to New York for next Friday, please
W. Sure, but all the tickets of direct flights from Beijing are sold out. Would you mind a transfer ticket
M: No. Where shall I go first, Hong Kong or Tokyo
W: Tokyo. You’ll wait there only for a couple of hours.
M: Well, that doesn’t sound too bad. When can I get the ticket
W: Any time. Would you like to have it delivered to you
M: Yes, please.
W: Ok. But you’ve got to pay in cash rather than use your credit card.
M: No problem. Can I have a discount
W: Yes, a ten percent discount.
M: Fine, thanks.

Where will the man transfer his flight()
A. Tokyo.
B. New York.
C. Beijing.
D. Hong Kon

Conversation 1
Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following conversation.
M: It was a heavy rain last night, wasn’t it
W: It certainly was. The wind broke several windows. I’ll have to pay for a lot of glass. What weather !
M: Do you remember the small garden in front of my house
W: Yes, that beautiful garden with so many roses. What happened
M: Many flowers were damaged by the rain.
W: Really What a big loss!
M: My mother felt very sad at the sight of it.
W: Will you plant more next year
M: Maybe. But we want to plant some pine trees there.
W. Then I will see another lovely garden next year.
M: With some pine trees.

What will the woman pay for()
A. Garden.
B. Wind.
C. Glass.
D. Roses.

Conversation 1
Questions 6 to 7 are based on the conversation you’ve just heard.

What are they going to do this evening()
A. To go to see a play.
B. To go to see a movie.
C. To go to watch a football match.
D. To go out to play football.


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