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发布时间:2023-10-22 12:21:43

Sleep Necessary for Memories

Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview does harm to the performance according to a recent research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be taken back into the brain. A good night’s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a required condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead, scientists have found.
The research, published in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience, showed that it was the act of sleep, rather than the simple passage of time, that was critical for long-term memory formation.
"We think that getting that first night’s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation (巩固)." said Robert Stickgold, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conducted the latest study.
"It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nai
A. couldn’t remember the task.
B. could not sleep the second and third nights.
C. performed slightly better than those who did not.
D. did much better than those who did not.

更多"Sleep Necessary for Memories Burni"的相关试题:

Sleep Necessary for Memories

Burning the midnight oil before an exam or interview does harm to the performance according to a recent research which found that sleep is necessary for memories to be taken back into the brain. A good night’s sleep within 30 hours of trying to remember a new task is a required condition of having good recall in the weeks ahead, scientists have found.
The research, published in the December issue of Nature Neuroscience, showed that it was the act of sleep, rather than the simple passage of time, that was critical for long-term memory formation.
"We think that getting that first night’s sleep starts the process of memory consolidation (巩固)." said Robert Stickgold, a sleep researcher at Harvard Medical School who conducted the latest study.
"It seems that memories normally wash out of the brain unless some process nails them down. My suspicion is that sleep is one of those things that does the nai
A. intelligence.
B. time.
C. food.
D. sleep.
Sleep Lets Brain File Memories

To sleep. Perchance to file Findings published online this week by the "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences" further support the theory that the brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz’s.
Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electrical activity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processes sensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning and memory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the neocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain r
A. Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep
B. Does brain have memories when one is sleeping
C. Does brain remember flies after one falls asleep
D. Does brain work on files in sleep

Sleep Lets Brain File Memories

To sleep. Perchance to file Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences further support the theory that the brain organizes and stows memories formed during the day while the rest of the body is catching zzz’s.
Gyorgy Buzsaki of Rutgers University and his colleagues analyzed the brain waves of sleeping rats and mice. Specifically, they examined the electrical activity emanating from the somatosensory neocortex (an area that processes sensory information) and the hippocampus, which is a center for learning and memory. The scientists found that oscillations in brain waves from the two regions appear to be intertwined. So-called sleep spindles (bursts of activity from the neocortex) were followed tens of milliseconds later by beats in the hippocampus known as ripples. The team posits that this interplay between the two brain regions is a key step in memory con
A. Does brain arrange memories in useful order during sleep
B. Does brain have memories when one is sleeping
C. Does brain remember files after one falls asleep
D. Does brain work on files in sleep


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