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发布时间:2024-01-08 00:00:22

[单项选择]Exciting new research indicates that growing older might not necessarily mean growing mentally slower. New studies are providing breakthroughs in our understanding of how aging affects memory, language, and other cognitive functions. This information could provide tools for lessening or even averting some loss in brain functioning often associated with old age.
If science can help older citizens retain their mental abilities longer, then the whole nation would benefit. That’s why it is so important for research on the aging mind to flourish. The government should make studying neural health, the role of life experiences in shaping the brain, and the structure of the aging mind—key priorities in these years. And the National Institute on Aging should undertake major research initiatives in these areas to expand the scientific basis for understanding and promoting healthy mental aging.
Revolutionary advances in neuron-science, behavioral science, and the science of learning hav
A. The losing of brain cells.
B. Age-related decline in cognitive abilities.
C. A drop in certain mental abilities.
D. Diminishing neurons and synapses.

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[单项选择]Exciting new research indicates that growing older might not necessarily mean growing mentally slower. New studies are providing breakthroughs in our understanding of how aging affects memory, language, and other cognitive functions. This information could provide tools for lessening or even averting some loss in brain functioning often associated with old age.
If science can help older citizens retain their mental abilities longer, then the whole nation would benefit. That’s why it is so important for research on the aging mind to flourish. The government should make studying neural health, the role of life experiences in shaping the brain, and the structure of the aging mind—key priorities in these years. And the National Institute on Aging should undertake major research initiatives in these areas to expand the scientific basis for understanding and promoting healthy mental aging.
Revolutionary advances in neuron-science, behavioral science, and the science of learning hav
A. Growing older means growing mentally slower.
B. Growing mentally slower means growing older.
C. Growing older has nothing to do with growing mentally slower.
D. Growing older is necessary for growing mentally slower.

The United States population is growing older. In 1987, 12 percent of Americans were 65 years old or older, compared with 8 percent in 1950. Population experts at the U.S. Bureau of the Census expect this percentage to continue to rise gradually, reaching 14 percent in 2010, then to skyrocket during the next 20 years, reaching 21 percent by 2030. This "graying of America" has generated concerns about whether the best really is yet to be, about how well off tomorrow’s elderly will be. There also are questions about the impact of an aging population on the rest of society.
The graying of America has two causes. First, advances in medical care have enable people to live longer. In the United States in 1900, the average life expectancy at birth was 47.7 years. By 1985, the latest year for which figures are available, it has climbed to 74.7 years.
Second, the U.S. birthrate rose in the mid-1900s, interrupting a long, slow decline. A dramatic increase oc
A. To bring attention to the needs of the elderly.
B. To contrast birth rates and life expectancy rates.
C. To explain how and why the American population is aging.
D. To show the percentages of age groups in general population.

[单项选择]—The research on the new bird flu virus vaccine is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can do the job
—()my students have a try
A. Shall
B. Will
C. Could
D. Should
[单项选择]A growing body of research suggests that chronic illness is not an inevitable consequence of aging, but more often the result of lifestyle choices. "People used to say, ’who would want to be 1007TM says Dr. Thomas Peris, an instructor at Harvard Medical School and director of the New England Centenarian Study. "Now they’re realizing it’s an opportunity." High-tech medicine isn’t likely to change the outlook dramatically; drugs and surgery can do only so much to sustain a body once it starts to fail. But there is no question we can lengthen our lives while shortening our deaths. The tools already exist, and they’re within virtually everyone’s reach. Life expectancy in the United States has nearly doubled since a century ago —from 47 years to 76 years. And though centenarians are still rare, they now constitute the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. Their ranks have increased 16-fold over the past six decades —from 3,700 in 1940 to roughly 61,000 today. The Census Bureau
A. the aged should not go to the nursing home
B. we can lengthen our lives through high-tech medicine
C. centenarians die faster than those who arc younger
D. the ever-growing segment of centenarians has caused concern

Henry James When he was growing up in New York, Henry was given a great deal of independence, so much in fact, that he felt isolated from other people. As a quiet child among exuberant brothers and cousins, Henry was more often an observer than a participant in their activities. When, as a young man, a back injury prevented his fighting in the Civil War, he felt even more excluded from the events of his time. While the adult Henry James developed many close friendships, he retained his attitude of observer, and devoted much of his life to solitary work on his writing.
Henry’s family lived for a time in Boston, where he became acquainted with New England authors and friends of his father, began his friendship with William Dean Howells, and attended Harvard Law School. After 1866, James lived in Europe much of the time and in 1875 decided to make it his permanent home. He lived in Paris for a year, where he met Turgenev, Flaubert, and Zola. The nex


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