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发布时间:2023-09-29 13:07:19

[单项选择]I can say nothing ( ) his school performance as I just began to teach this class today.
A. as a result of
B. for the sake of
C. with respect to
D. on account of

更多"I can say nothing ( ) his school pe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What mistake does the man say his company made
A. It charged no licensing fee.
B. It neglected product design.
C. It ignored negotiating skills.
D. It did all the manufacturing itself.
[填空题]A new headmaster of a school who enlarges his office and puts in expensive carpeting is using the office as a ...
[填空题]He did not come to school because of his(ill)().
[单项选择]A. She can use his car. B. She can borrow someone else’s car.
C. She must get her car fixed. D. She can’t borrow his car.
[填空题]You can judge his feeling from his (face) ______expressions.
[填空题]Any customer can lodge his complaint with the manager ____________________________(如果在入住本酒店期间没有得到良好拭目以待服务).

[简答题]Who can say in remoteness of time, in what difference of earthly shape love first come to us as a stranger in the jungle We, in our human family, know him through dependence in childhood, through possession in youth, through sorrow and loss in their season. In childhood we are happy to receive; it is the first opening of love. In youth we take and give, dedicate and possess --rapture and anguish are mingled, until parenthood brings a dedication that, to be happy, must ask for no return. All these are new horizons of content, which the lust of holding, the enemy of love, slowly contaminates. Loss, sorrow and separation come, sickness and death; possession, that tormented us, is nothing in our hands; it vanishes. Love’s elusive entrenchment, his ubiquitous pretence, again become apparent; and in age we may reach a haven that asking for nothing knows how to enjoy.
[单项选择]A person can explain his professional goals ( ) position, prestige or income.
A. in terms of
B. in case of
C. in view of
D. in honor of
[简答题]I truly believe that anyone can improve his or her manners by doing three things. First, by practicing courtesy. All skills require constant repetition to become second nature; good manners are no exception. The second requirement for improving your manners is to think in a courteous way. In the long run, the kind of person you are is the result of what you’ve been thinking over the past twenty or thirty years. If your thoughts are predominantly self-directed, a discourteous person ,is what you will be. If on the other hand you train yourself to be considerate of others, if you can acquire the habit of identifying with their problems and hopes and fears, good manners will follow almost automatically. Nowhere is the courtesy more important than in marriage. In the intimacy of the home it is easy to displace disappointment or frustration or anger onto the nearest person, and that person is often a husband or wife. Finally, to have good manners you must be able to accept courtesy, rece


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